Part 44

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Author's Pov:

Days turned into weeks, yet still, you didn't understand the meaning of the mysterious symbol that had been haunting your mind. You spent countless hours locked away in your room, poring over notes, and every scrap of information you could gather, but nothing seemed to click. Frustration began to creep in, and although you felt the urge to give up, you clung stubbornly to the hope that you would eventually uncover the truth, you won't give up not until you catch him/her.

You were searching through some papers, and that's when your door bell rang. Leaving everything behind, you hurried to answer. When you opened the door, you saw Jin-Hyuk standing there, his hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. A warm smile spread across his face, instantly lifting your spirits.

 A warm smile spread across his face, instantly lifting your spirits

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Y/n: You here?

Jin-Hyuk: (smile) I heard you're back in Incheon, so I came to meet you..... I was worried when you dashed out of the restaurant the other day and didn't reach out afterward. I thought something might've happened to you. I even asked Jennie about you, and she mentioned you returned a few weeks ago.

Y/n: I'm really sorry for worrying you. I was in a hurry that day, and then I got caught up with work. I just... forgot to contact you

Jin-Hyuk: It's fine....So, can I come in, or are we going to have this chat in the hallway?(chuckle)

Y/n: Oh... come in.

You said, stepping aside to let him enter. You closed the door behind him and motioned for him to take a seat on the couch while you headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As you poured the water, you noticed the sound of rain beginning to patter against the window. You handed him the glass, and he took a sip, glancing around your room.

 You handed him the glass, and he took a sip, glancing around your room

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Jin-Hyuk: I think you left your clothes outside to dry—

Y/n: Shit...

You exclaimed, panicking as the realization hit you. You dashed past him, flinging the door open and racing out into the rain. You cursed yourself for letting such a minor detail slip your mind. You had just finished washing the bedsheets and a load of other clothes, and it seemed like nothing was going your way today. You hurriedly gathered the damp clothes you had hung out earlier, scrambling to collect them before they were thoroughly soaked.

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