81: Kissing Max

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Max's point of view

Seeing Maeve interact with my family brings warmth to my heart. She's fitting in perfectly, and it's a relief to see her so comfortable here. After a while, I decide to show her around the house.

'Do you want to see my room?' I ask, standing up and offering her my hand.

'I'd love to,' she says, taking it with a smile.

We walk down a narrow hallway filled with more family photos. I open the door to my old room, and we step inside. It's a snapshot of my childhood, filled with posters of racing cars, trophies from karting days, and an old desk cluttered with old-school stuff. Mama didn't change a thing.

'This is where it all began,' I say, gesturing around the room. 'My goals, my dreams... everything.'

'It's amazing,' Maeve says, looking around with genuine interest. 'You can really see your love for racing.'

I sit down on the edge of the bed, feeling a rush of memories. This room brings back good memories, I had my first kiss here, and I asked my first girlfriend here, but also so many bad memories. Evenings when my father was disappointed in me and locked me up in my room. 'Yeah, it was my getaway. Especially when things got tough with my dad.'

Maeve sits beside me, her expression softening. 'Do you want to talk about it?'

I take a deep breath, the weight of those memories pressing down on me. 'I just wished my dad was my dad, not my coach. He pushed me really hard, sometimes too hard. It was like nothing was ever good enough. I know he wanted the best for me, but it was... a lot.'

Maeve places a hand on my shoulder, her touch gentle and comforting. 'I'm so sorry, Max. That must have been really tough.'

'It was,' I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. 'But it also made me who I am today. I just wish it could have been different sometimes. I'm thankful for him never giving up on me, I doubt I'd be as good as now without him'

'You don't have to bear that alone,' Maeve says, her eyes full of understanding. 'I'm here for you, whenever you need to talk'.

Her words bring a sense of relief, a feeling of not being alone in this. 'I know, Maeve. That means more than you know.'

Maeve's point of view

We sit in comfortable silence for a moment, just being there for each other. It's in these quiet, shared moments that I realize just how much I care for him. In a friendship and lovers way. The thought lingers, making my heart beat a little faster. Now that I finally accepted my feelings for him my mind is clearer, although still filled with him.

'Do you want to see the garden?' he asks after a while, breaking the silence.

'I'd love to,' I say, smiling.

We head outside to the garden, where Sophie and Victoria join us. The garden is beautiful, filled with vibrant flowers and a small pond. We spend the afternoon chatting and laughing, sharing stories, and getting to know each other better.

Max's point of view

It's time to head home, the sun has set mostly. Tomorrow is another day, quali day.

Her meeting my mother was a big step in my feelings, I feel as if I introduced my girlfriend somehow.

'This has been wonderful,' Maeve says, smiling at my mom and sister. 'Thank you so much for having me.'

'You're always welcome here. With and without Max,' Sophie says warmly. 'It's been a pleasure getting to know you.'

'Yes, definitely,' Victoria adds with a grin. 'You should come by more often.'

'I'd love that,' Maeve says, her eyes meeting mine briefly.

As we get ready to leave, I feel a sense of contentment. Bringing Maeve here, sharing this part of my life with her helped me see that I don't have to carry the weight of my past alone.

We reach a quiet spot overlooking a small lake, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. It's a beautiful, peaceful place that I often come to when I need to clear my mind. I park the car and look over at Maeve. I am not ready to bring her home yet.

'Do you want to take a walk?' I ask, my heart pounding a little harder.

'I'd love to,' she says, her eyes sparkling in the fading light.

We walk down to the edge of the lake, the silence between us comfortable and filled with unspoken words. I feel the urge to say something, to tell her how much she means to me, but I don't know where to start.

'Max,' she begins, her voice soft, 'today was really special. Thank you for sharing it with me.'

'I'm glad you came,' I reply, turning to face her. 'Maeve, there's something I need to tell you.'

Her eyes search mine, and I can see a mix of emotions in them. 'What is it?'

'I... I've realized something,' I say, my voice almost a whisper. 'I think I've been falling for you, Maeve. You mean more to me than just a friend.'

Maeve's point of view




My heart skips a beat at Max's words. 'Max, you are all over me like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore'.

'Is that a good thing?', he asks shyly.

'Max, I've been feeling the same way,' I laugh, my voice trembling slightly. 'I just didn't know how to say it.'

He steps closer, his eyes locked on mine. 'You don't have to say anything more. Just... can I kiss you?'

I nod, my heart pounding in my chest. 'Yes.'

He leans in and the world around me disappears. Our lips meet in a gentle, tender kiss. All my feelings and emotions I have been carrying are put into this kiss and as we pull away I can see it's the same for him

Kissing Max feels like the most natural thing in the world. All the doubts and fears melt away.

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