77: My dearest precious daughter

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Luciana's point of view

After an enjoyable evening of bowling with Pierre and Kika, Charles and I make our way to a cozy restaurant in Zandvoort to meet his family for dinner. Charles' mom, Pascale, has flown over from Monte Carlo to join us for the weekend, and I am excited to see her again. We all love each other very much, and her presence always adds a special warmth to our gatherings.

As we enter the restaurant, we see Lorenzo and Arthur already seated at a table near the window, chatting loudly with Pascale. They greet us with cheerful waves and smiles.

'Luciana! Charles! Over here!' Arthur calls out, grinning widely.

We make our way to the table, and Pascale stands up to give us both a hug. 'I've missed you two,' she says, her voice filled with affection. 'It's so good to see you again, Luciana.'

'It's great to see you too, Pascale,' I reply, returning her hug warmly. 'We've missed you.'

We all settle into our seats, and the conversation starts easily. It feels as if no time has passed since we last saw each other.

Charles' point of view

Seeing my family and Luciana together makes me incredibly happy. These moments are what I cherish most, being surrounded by the people I love.

'So, how was bowling?' Arthur asks.

'Let's just say, Luciana might have a hidden talent,' I say with a grin, looking at her beautiful face.

'Really? You never told us you were a bowling champion,' Lorenzo teases.

Luciana laughs, shaking her head. 'I wouldn't go that far. It was a lot of fun, though.'

My mother smiles, her eyes twinkling. 'I'm glad you're enjoying your time here. It's wonderful to see you both not so stressed all the time.'

As we read the menu and order our meals, the conversation naturally shifts to stories and memories. Mom shares anecdotes from mine, Arthur, and Lorenzo's childhood, much to our embarrassment.

Luciana's point of view

Pascale's stories are always a delight. 'Did Charles ever tell you about the time he decided to build a "racing track" in our living room using pots and pans?' she says with a laugh.

Charles groans, covering his face with his hands. 'Mom, not that story again.'

But we are all laughing, picturing a young Charles racing through the house. 'He was so determined,' Pascale continues, smiling fondly. 'He wanted to practice everywhere he could.'

Lorenzo chimes in, 'And he always made Arthur play the pit crew.'

Arthur rolls his eyes good-naturedly. 'Well, I got pretty good at it, didn't I?'

'Yes honey, and you know I don't mind if you are a part of the pit crew or the driver himself', Pascale grabs his hand.

Arthur smiles at his mother.

The food arrives, and we continue talking and laughing as we eat. It feels like being wrapped in a warm, loving embrace, exactly what family time should be.

Charles' point of view

Watching Luciana interact with my family fills me with a sense of pride and happiness. She fits in so perfectly, and seeing her laugh and share stories with mom, Lorenzo, and Arthur makes my heart swell.

After dinner, as we linger over dessert, my mom reaches across the table and takes Luciana's hand. 'I'm so glad you're part of our family, Luciana. You bring so much joy to Charles and to all of us.'

Luciana's eyes shimmer with emotion. 'Thank you, Pascale. That means the world to me. You all mean so much to me too.'

Luciana's point of view

As the evening draws to a close, I feel a sense of belonging. Charles' family had welcomed me with open arms from the very beginning, and tonight is another reminder of how lucky I am to have them in my life.

'Your family is wonderful, Charles,' I say softly. 'I love spending time with them.'

He squeezes my hand gently. 'And they love you, Luciana. Just like I do.'

I look up at him, my heart full. 'I love you too, Charles. More than words can say.'

As we walk through the quiet streets of Zandvoort, I know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we will face them together, surrounded by the love and support of our family. And that makes all the difference.

Although an enjoyable evening with Charles' family brings me warmth and love, I feel a sudden pang of sadness. It reminds me of my own family and how much I miss my father. Even though my father is with me every weekend at the races, I still miss our personal moments together. The hustle and bustle of the race weekends often leave little time for us to just talk and be together. I'm his only child and he's my only parent.

Back at the hotel, as Charles steps into the shower, I decide to call my father. I need to hear his voice in a context outside of the racetrack.

I dial his number and wait. The phone rings a few times before he picks up.

'Ma chérie, how are you?' His voice is warm and comforting, instantly easing some of the ache in my heart.

'Hi, Dad,' I say, trying to keep my voice steady. 'I'm good. I just wanted to hear your voice.'

He senses something in my tone. 'What's wrong, ma chérie?'

I take a deep breath. 'I was with Charles' family tonight, and it made me think of you. I miss you. I know we see each other at the races, but it's not the same as having real quality time together.'

There's a pause, and then he speaks softly. 'I miss you too, Luciana. It's hard, balancing work and family. I wish we had more time for each other outside of the races.'

'I know,' I whisper, feeling tears come up. 'It's just hard sometimes, not having those quiet moments with you. Even though we're together every weekend, I miss our talks and just being with you.'

He sighs gently. 'I know, ma chérie. Even though we're often in the same place, I can understand it sometimes feels like we're miles apart. But I'm always here for you, no matter what. And I'm proud of you every single day.'

'Thanks, Dad,' I say, my voice breaking slightly. 'Being with Charles and his family tonight, seeing how close they are, made me wish we could have more of those moments.'

'I understand,' he says, his voice filled with empathy. 'And we will, soon. For now, know that I'm always thinking of you and that I love you very much.'

'I love you too, Dad,' I say, feeling a bit more at peace.

'Take care, and give my regards to Charles.'

'I will. Goodnight, Dad.'

'Goodnight, my dearest precious daughter.'

As I hang up, I feel a comforting warmth spread through me. Even though my father is often with me, I know we both crave more personal time together, so I will plan it soon. I am surrounded by love, both from my father and from Charles' family. I know I am not alone, and that thought helps ease the ache in my heart.

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