79: She loves me back

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Max's point of view

The ballroom is full of positive energy. Sienna's birthday party is in full swing, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. I make my way through the crowd, catching up with friends and exchanging jokes. But my eyes keep hovering towards Maeve, who is standing with a group of friends, laughing at something Pierre said.

'Who wants more alcohol?', Sienna yells.

A lot of people scream back at her, rushing towards the bar, I laugh.

There are a lot of people here, Sienna even invited Fewtrell for Maeve

Although Maeve has been avoiding Max Fewtrell all night, and I know why. Their one-night stand has left him wanting more, but Maeve is hesitant. I understand her hesitation, our lives are complicated enough without adding more drama.

As I walk to Maeve, I catch a glimpse of Carlos. He's watching Lando and Sienna with a mix of amusement and discomfort. It's still new for him, seeing his sister with his teammate. I can't help but chuckle at the protective big brother vibe he's giving off.

'Hey, Carlos,' I say, clapping him on the shoulder. 'Still getting used to it?'

He laughs, shaking his head. 'Yeah, man. It's just... weird, you know? That's my little sister.'

'They seem happy,' I point out, watching Lando and Sienna share a kiss. It's clear they're head over heels for each other.

'Yeah, they do,' Carlos agrees, though he still looks a bit uneasy.

I leave Carlos to his thoughts and make my way over to Maeve. She's finally managed to free herself from Pierre's storytelling and is standing alone, looking a bit lost in thought.

'Hey,' I say, offering her a drink. 'How are you holding up?'

She smiles, accepting the drink. 'I'm okay'

'I know,' I reply. 'You always are, but if you need to talk, I'm here.'

She nods, looking grateful. 'Thanks, Max. That means a lot.'

Maeve's point of view

Being here tonight is both comforting and confusing. I wouldn't miss this for the world, Sienna's birthday is something she has been looking forward to this whole year. The warmth of friends, the laughter, the celebrations, it's all wonderful. But every time I see Max Fewtrell out of the corner of my eye, I feel a pang of guilt and uncertainty. Our one-night stand was a mistake, especially now that he's wanting more. But my feelings for Verstappen complicate everything. I don't even know what kind of fucking feelings they are.

I glance over at Carlos, who's watching Lando and Sienna with a mixture of brotherly protectiveness and mild discomfort. It's sweet, really. I understand how he feels, seeing someone you care about in a new light is always a bit harsh.

'Maeve,' a voice interrupts my thoughts. It's Charles, with Luciana by his side. They look incredibly happy together, completely in sync. 'How are you doing?'

'I'm good, Charles. I'm enjoying this party a lot!,' I reply, genuinely pleased to see them.

Luciana smiles warmly. 'It's a great party. You should join us for a dance later.'

'I might just do that,' I say, feeling a bit lighter.

I notice Max Fewtrell making his way towards me, and my heart sinks a little. I don't want to hurt him, but I need to be honest. Before he reaches me, I turn to Max Verstappen, who's been watching me with concern.

'Can we talk somewhere quiet?' I ask him, hoping for a bit of peace.

'Of course,' he says, leading me to a quieter corner of the ballroom.

We walk past Fewtrell, who then grabs my arm.

'Maeve we-'

'Hey!', Verstappen hisses. 'Don't just grab her arm'.

Max Fewtrell looks confused, he didn't mean harm.

'It's fine. What's wrong Max?', I ask him.

'What's wrong?', He laughs. 'What's wrong is that we were fucking each other's brains out a few nights ago and now you are acting like I don't exist'.

I'm shocked at his words.

Not because I think he is a bad person, not at all.

In this situation I am. I shouldn't have slept with him If I knew I wouldn't love him.

But then again, he shouldn't think that just because a woman sleeps with him they immediately want more.

'I'm so sorry Max, I really am. I liked the sex, don't get me wrong', I feel Verstappen's eyes burning in the back of my head. 'But I am not interested in a relationship'.

The boys look at each other.

'With me? Or with anyone?', he asks.

'Currently with anyone. I really think you are a good person, Max. You could be an amazing friend and I loved hanging out with you. But nothing more'.

'I respect that, I'm sorry for being rude', he sighs.

'Please don't feel sorry, if anyone I should apologize. I really hope we can stay friends?'

'Yeah, sure', he smiles.

I remove myself from the situation and I walk to the garden.

'Maeve wait up!', Max Verstappen yells.

'Please, Max. I got enough lectures today'.

'I'm not lecturing you, I just wanted to check on you. What's going on, Maeve?', he hisses. 'You haven't been yourself at all lately. I try to give you space but for the sake of this championship I have to ask what's on your mind'.

Oh please Max.

As if you don't know what is on my mind.

As if you don't know there is only one person dancing and singing around in my head.

As if you don't know who I'm suddenly head over heels for.

My teammate

My 'enemy'

My friend

I'm in love with fucking Max Verstappen

And he doesn't even love me back.

Max's point of view

'I just want to win this championship, that's all really', she smiles.

A ton of weight drops off my shoulders.

God, I was thinking the worst.

I would crash my car every race if it meant she would become world champion.

But I can't.

I want to win too.

Her beautiful eyes look at mine.

'How about we have a road trip tomorrow, I will show you my childhood home. You can even meet my mother and sister', I ask. 'We need to enjoy this. After all, there's only three days left until we leave for Las Vegas'.

Her face lights up. 'That sounds like a great idea'.

She gives me one of those 'help what do I do' smiles.

The smiles that make me rethink my entire existence.

I think I might be in love with Maeve Vettel.

But no way she loves me back.

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