82: Rivalry

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Saturday, qualifying day.

Luciana's point of view

'You will do fine, Charles. Don't doubt yourself', I smile at him.

'You are right, The DNF in Silverstone didn't bring out the best in me'.

'That's why I'm here to remind you everything is well', I kiss his cheek. 'Dans les bons moments et dans les mauvais, je serai toujours là pour toi'.

'Merci, princess', he smirks.

'Mind if I steal her for a moment?', I turn around to see my dad standing there.

'Of course, sir. Luce, I will see you after quali'.

'Bye, dearest', I hug him.

He places his helmet on his head and gets in the car.

'He will do well, the car is good in Zandvoort', my father explains.

'I know, the DNF just got to his head', I smile.

'Walk with me?'

'Sure', I follow my dad around the paddock.

'I thought about something', my dad says nervously.

I laugh at his expression, I have never seen my dad nervous about anything other than the races.

'It can't be that bad', I grin.

'I thought about retiring'.

My jaw drops. What?

'Dad, what?', I'm shocked. 'You are only 55!'.

'I was joking, ma chérie', he laughs.

'Not funny', I giggle.

'I was thinking about moving to Monaco, it's closer to you when you finally move in with your boyfriend', his face lights up when he talks about me and Charles.

'That's a great idea, Dad! I can't bear the thought of you living far away from me'.

'Is it fun to have your old one around? I mean... I get it if you don't want t-'

'Dad, please... I'm serious about Charles and I. If we happen to start a family they need their grandpa close by. Charles and I talked about it and we would hate if he grew up without their grandpa around, especially since he only has one'.

My father sighs. 'Poor Charles, that must be hard for him'.

'He wants to carry on his father's legacy, but it sucks'.

'Alright, ma chérie', he says. 'If you don't mind then I'll go house hunting'.

'Maybe you'll meet a nice woman you can explore the world with', I say. 'Mom has been dead for 17 years, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you finding some love'.

He laughs. 'No, she would want me to be happy, yes'.

'Think about it, papa', I express.

'I will', we arrived at the Ferrari garage again, we walked in a full circle. 'Alright, go meet your friend'.

'Good luck, daddy. I love you', I kiss his cheek.

'Je t'aime aussi '.

Maeve's point of view

'Nein! Nein!', Owen shows me the dead mouse that was lying on the ground this morning.

'What is happening?', my dad laughs as he enters the garage.

'Eine Maus! Eine verdammte Maus!', I run to my dad for cover.

'It's just a mouse, Maevey', he smiles.

'It's a fucking big one!', I defend myself.

'Maeve stop worrying about the mouse, you need to get inside your car', Horner walks in.

'Ay ay, captain', I laugh.

Horner's expression doesn't change.

'What's wrong, Christian?', I ask. 'Don't tell me the car is fucked'.

He laughs. 'No, Maeve. Just some stress, Max has been throwing up all night'.

Don't tell me I made him sick?!

'Did you share a bottle with him?', Christian asks. 'Please say no, there is a stomach bug flying around here'.

'Well no, I didn't share a bottle with him', I cough. I did share my tongue with him.

'Okay, well he's better now, but this is my last straw. Hello Sebastian', Horner notices my dad.

'Good morning, Christian. I'm sure Max will be fine, just give him some medicine and he'll be fine'.

'Yes, I did. It's over for now, I swear to god if he retires this race I-'

'Then the championship is almost mine', I joke.

'As much as you deserve it, I would rather not risk having a driver passing out on track', Horner grins.

'I know, shall I check on him?'

'No, he's in his car. If it's the same Sunday, we might just slip him some paracetamol during a pitstop or something', he laughs.

My dad gives me a serious look. 'Maeve, helmet, now. Nicht trödeln'.

'Entschuldigung', I grab my helmet and step into the car, letting myself fall in my seat.

My dad pats my helmet. 'Good luck, little one. I believe in you, go give them hell'.

I stick up my thumbs, showing him I'm ready.

I hear Owen in my ears.

RADIO: Check check, can you hear me Maeve?

MAE: Loud and clear, Owen. Loud and clear.

RADIO: Good luck, Maeve.

MAE: Thank you, Owen.

Time for some racing.

Sienna's point of view

'Alright, we checked on Maeve, I checked on Norris, Piastri & Carlos, you checked on Charles... we've got them all', I laugh.

'It would be a disaster if we missed one'.

'True. Have you heard about Maeve meeting the Kumpen's yesterday?', I ask.

'Nope, nothing yet. She'll tell us when she's ready'.

'I think they kissed', I laugh.

'Me too, but we can only wait for her to tell us', Luce says

'Yeah, she knows where to find us'.

'Alright so help me sort this out, Maeve now has 126 points and Max has 112 points', Luce says.

'Yes, so if Maeve wins this one she'll have 151 points out of 200, with only two races left. If she then also wins the Las Vegas one she'll have 176 points so Max would lose his title', I try to do the math.

'So only two more races to win, basically.'

'Yes, but if Max wins these two, with Maeve being P2, then there will be another Abu Dhabi title decision', I tell her.

'Oh gosh, rivalry', she laughs.

'I really hope she wins', I sigh.

'Me too, but if not this year she'll win next year, I can feel it'.

'Yes, she's too good to not win one', I smile, proud of my best friend.

'How's Naomi?', Luci carefully asks.

'She's good, her last round of chemo, actually', I smile. 'She'll be checked if the cancer is gone and if not she'll get another round'.

'Sounds good, I mean... it's progress', Luci places her hand on mine.

'Yeah, I'm really happy about it'.

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