80: Mein kleines Mädchen,

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Maeve's point of view

The morning sun shines through the curtains, and I blink away the rest of my sleep. It's the day after Sienna's birthday party. Max invited me to his childhood home today, I will even meet his mother and sister, I guess I got my day planned out. I'm excited, but there's also a flutter of nerves in my stomach. I grab my phone and dial my dad's number. He answers on the second ring.

'Hallo, mein kleines Mädchen,' his familiar, warm voice greets me.

'Hi, Dad,' I say, smiling at hearing his voice. 'I had to hear your voice.'

'How are you, Maeve? How was the party?' he asks, worry mixed with curiousness.

'The party was great, but it's been a lot with the races and everything else,' I reply, leaning back against the headboard of my bed. 'I just needed a little break and to talk to you.'

'I understand,' he says gently. 'It's important to take moments for yourself amidst all the chaos. How are you feeling about the championship?'

'I'm excited, but also a bit stressed,' I admit. 'Being first in the standings is amazing, but it's a lot of pressure. Max is right behind me. If he wins Zandvoort and Las Vegas it will come down to us two in Abu Dhabi. It will be Max and Lewis in 2021 all over again'.

'You've done incredibly well, mein kleines Mädchen. Three race wins already! Just stay focused and keep doing what you've been doing. You're capable of anything,' he reassures me.

'Thanks, Dad. It means a lot to hear you say that,' I say, feeling a warmth spread through me. 'I just have to keep my head in the game.'

'And remember Maevey, it's not just about winning. It's about enjoying what you do,' he adds. 'Don't let the pressure take away the joy of racing.'

'I'll try to remember that,' I say, smiling. 'By the way, I'm going to Max's house today to meet his mother and sister. Just for fun.'

'Oh? That sounds nice. How are things between you two?' he asks, a hint of teasing in his voice.

I hesitate for a moment. 'We're good friends. He's been really supportive.'

'That's good to hear,' he says, but I can sense he's picking up on something. 'Just make sure you're clear about what you want, Maeve. It's important to be honest with yourself and others.'

'I know, Dad,' I reply, feeling a twitch of uncertainty. 'I'll keep that in mind.'

'Alright, Maevey. Take care and enjoy your day. And remember, I'm always here if you need to talk.'

'Thanks, Dad. I love you.'

'I love you too, Maeve. Bis bald.'

As I hang up the phone, I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. I'll be fine. I just have to get over this stupid crush. Fortunately, the season is almost over, then I can ignore him all I want. Although my contract is not ending for another two years, so I guess I have to see him next season...


'Step in the car, loser', he smirks as I walk towards him.

'Do I need to remind you who is P1? Just one more race win and I win', I smile.

'You won't win in Zandvoort. I'm the king here'.

'We'll see', I laugh. 'Now go and drive'.

The morning sun casts a warm glow over the Dutch countryside as Max and I drive toward his family home. The air is crisp and cool, and I can see the excitement and slight nervousness in Max's eyes as he focuses on the road. We've both been so busy with races and events that this feels like a rare, precious moment of normalcy.

'How far is it?' I ask, breaking the silence.

'Not too far,' he replies with a smile. 'It's just a bit outside the city. I think you'll like it. It's peaceful, away from the chaos of the races.'

I nod, looking forward to seeing this part of Max's life. 'I'm sure I will.'

As we drive, Max points out different landmarks, sharing stories from his childhood. His voice is filled with a mix of nostalgia and pride.

'Over there,' he says, pointing to a small hill, 'that's where I used to ride my bike with my friends. We thought it was the tallest hill in the world back then.'

I laugh, picturing a young Max conquering the world one hill at a time. 'I can totally see that.'

A little while later, we turn onto a narrow, tree-lined road that leads to a charming house. It's quaint and inviting, with a neatly kept garden in front. Max parks the car and turns to me.

'Ready?' he asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

'Absolutely,' I say, giving him an encouraging smile. 'Let's go.'

We step out of the car and walk up the path. The front door opens, and we're greeted by Max's mother, Sophie, and his sister, Victoria. Their faces light up with warm smiles.

Okay, it wasn't smart to meet his family when I have feelings for him, it's like I'm meeting my parents-in-law.

'Maeve, this is my mom, Sophie, and my sister, Victoria,' Max introduces them.

'It's so nice to finally meet you,' Sophie says, enveloping me in a hug. 'We've heard so much about you.'

'And it's all good, I promise,' Victoria adds with a grin, shaking my hand.

'It's great to meet you both,' I say, feeling immediately welcomed.

'Come inside,' Sophie says, leading us into the house. 'We've got tea and some snacks ready.'

The house is cozy and filled with family photos. It's clear that this is a home filled with love and memories, that must be from his mother. We settle into the living room, and as we sip tea and chat, the conversation flows easily.

'So, Maeve,' Victoria begins, 'How are you feeling about the championship? It must be so intense.'

'It's definitely intense,' I admit. 'But it's also incredibly exciting. Every race is a new challenge.'

'You've been doing amazing,' Sophie says, her eyes filled with pride. 'We're all rooting for you.'

'Thank you,' I say, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. 'That means a lot.'

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