Living Like A Star

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"I won't be here the 2nd through the 5th."
"You still have to pay," the old man told me.
"I understand that. I was just telling you."

He mumbled something under his breath. He didn't like us very well.   I went to my room, laid there, and wished I had ac. Jamie came in my room. She and I talked.

"I hear you have Johnny's place to yourself."
"Yeah. I can't wait. I am going to feel like a princess. I wish I could stay but mom wants me to be Miss Beta Gamma."
"He'll call you, I am sure."
"He won't. I just have a feeling."
"You look kind of different."
"Weird. Like you have always been pretty, but prettier."
"Not me."
"You're beautiful. You aren't like Katie Periwinkle who oozes pretty, but a pretty like Johnny likes."

It was five again and she got up and got ready for work. Johnny was going to be there, so, she knew she would be in his bed, and she was right. He was so loving that day, doing down on her slowly and she would come. He's stop and kiss her, and go back to business. He then let her take care of him and he said, "Go slow, like I did." It was just a long eight to noon with lots of orgasms. He kissed my shoulder and I asked the question.

"Am I pretty Johnny?"
"You are exquisitely beautiful."
"But back home, I don't get dates. I get asked to date weird cousins."
"Because they are jealous.  They want you lower than them."
"I wish I could stay."
"You'd have obligations.  Now, get that law degree," he said mounting me again. 

   He left at noon and that night, I moved in for a few days.  It was nice and I nosed everywhere. He had a lot of clothes.   I imagined my parents saying yes for me to go to school in California.  I would have had to say goodbye to my sisters, but I would have  moved in, studied in the  kitchen, wrote papers in that word processor and had a good,one here, and the. I would,have become Mrs Johnny Depp and had baby after baby.  "What a sweet life," I thought to myself.  I saw the future with Johnny and he did call me one day to see how things were.  They were well.  They were more than well.   I was so horny though and one day I spent the day with my hand wishing Johnny was here. 

   I did call my parents and they, as usual, were trying to control things.  "And whe you move back, I got you the most perfect dress for rush."  Yes mother, I really looked forward to rush.  "And those classes you are taking, you will get into law school."  I didn't want to do it.  I wanted to stay home with Johnny all days drinking wine, having sex, and yes, I smoked a few joints.   Why would I go hie to curfews, discussions, and a life I did not want. 

    This was going to make leaving hard. 

     When she left that night to go sleep in her own bed, she felt sad.  This was going to end and it was going to be sad. 

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