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My name is Jael Gilinsky, Yup Jack Gilinsky is my brother. Im 17 almost 18 my birthday is in a couple more months. I have long dark brown hair. I'm 5"2 I'm really short it sucks.

I like to dress really dark sometimes, I'm not really a pink or a bright color person something about bright colors just bugs me. I have a couple tattoos on my arms and hands.

I am a singer and model. I live with my brother and Jack Johnson, David *Jack and Jael's dad* let us move out.

Nate, Sammy, and Matt practically live with us too cause they are always there.

My best friend is Matthew Espinosa. Matt and I have been friends for a long time at first him Jack didn't get along but when they went to Magcon they became friends.

Nate is also my best friend, I've always felt like I had a crush on him but I just try to deny my feelings. The Jacks always say he likes me but I just want him to admit it to me.

I have a boyfriend his name is Dillon Rupp I've been with him for 3 years. He's 5"10, He's tall I like that he's tall but I always feel small.

Jack thinks Johnson and I should date but he only says that cause Johnson has liked me for 2 years, But he's like a brother to me. I mean I've known him for 14 years, Matthew thinks the same. And then there's Sammy he's the biggest fuckboy I know.

That's my small family.

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