Chapter 38

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"Nate what is this!" I yelled as I was in the bathroom and there was a mess of water.

Nate came in and looked around "the kids were taking a bath."

I rolled my eyes and started cleaning it up. "Why is it that every time they're with you, all of you make a mess"

He shrugged.

"Mommy look what Aiden brought in!" Adeline yelled walking into he bathroom

Adeline was in the stage to rat her brother out. I turned around and Aiden had our pet fish in his hand.

"Adeline's fish was trying to eat my fish so I took it out"

Nate chuckled. "They were playing around bud"

Adeline walked to me with her arms crossed. "I need a new fishes. Aiden kills all of mine"

"No I don't. Dad tell Adeline and mommy I don't" Aiden told him

Nate looked me and back to Aiden. "Let's go get some fish!" He yelled and rushed out.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my babies. "Okay kids let's go. Get your shoes on"

Once we were ready I got into the driver seat. Nate sat in the back every time I drive. He says the seat next to mine is the death seat.


Once we got to the pet store Aiden, Nate and Adeline all ran off. I swear it was like I had three kids.

"Please be the good one" I whispered to my belly. I walked around and saw a puppy. The puppy licked the glass.

I groaned "Nate"

He came walking. "Don't shake it to much." He turned to me "What"

Adeline had her fish in a bag. I pointed to the puppy.

"No" he answered

"Oooooh a puppy" Aiden said "let's get it"

"So then can I get a hamster" Adeline said after

Nate turned to us all. "No last time we had dogs your mother gave them away"

"Um no you did" I argued. "You know what I'll buy it with my money." A lady came walking by "miss can I buy this puppy"

She nodded.

"We need a leash and food and toys and all dog stuff" Aiden yelled as he and Adeline ran off to the dog section.

"I'll buy the dog and the stuff" Nate said

Once we got to the cash register. Nate took money out.

"Wow your husbands loaded" the man chuckled

"He's not my husband" I answered
"I'm her boyfriend"
"No not that either"

Adeline squinted her eyes at us and Aiden looked up at us "so are you guys friends?"

Nate chuckled. "Were something"

After we paid we got in the car and the puppy was going to sit in front but Nate pulled him back.

"Bud you do not want to go into the death seat."

I rolled my eyes at Nate. "I don't drive bad"

"Yes you do mommy" Aiden and Adeline say.

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