Chapter 11

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Nate and I woke up to Sammy and Kalina jumping on the bed. Nate kicked Sam and he fell off, I pulled Kalina and hugged her then pushing her off.

"Well good morning to you too" Sammy said laughing popping his head out from the ground.

I groaned and put my head on Nate's chest.

Ethan and Grayson came in
"Awwww that's cute!" They both said

"Yall didn't do anything right ?" Jack asked walking
"Obviously they have clothes" JJ said

"Or do they?" The twins said and  Sammy came walking to us and pulled the covers off.

"You see they have clothes, well sorta" JJ said

Nate was in his boxers and shirtless and I was in pajamas.

I was in my room with Kalina, I was getting dressed for my date with Nate.

"Omg Bubbles I don't know what to wear!" I said

"Alright let's see" Kalina pushed me over and looked at my closet

Couple minutes later she got out a red crop top with black shorts.

"Here this is good" she said
"Thanks you ass" I said hugging her

When I was ready Nate was downstairs, I walked downstairs and he was sitting in the couch with Sammy.

"You ready?" Nate asked
"Yup" I said popping the p

As we were leaving Ethan and Garyson came running with there phone out recording. They came running with 2 boxes of condoms.

Grayson and Ethan handed one to me and him. "We didn't know what size you are so we got large and medium. Keep it pg-13!" Gray said
"Use protection!" Ethan said
"Don't get pregnant!"
"Be back at home at midnight!"

We all started laughing and I hugged them. While we were in the car Nate was holding my hand. "Where are we going?" I asked

"Bowling. So Sam and I were talking and we want you to be in our song "Nothing to a king"."

"Isn't that like a guy song" I asked
"Mmm yes but idk we'll figure it out" he said

"Okay yeah sure" I said

In every red light Nate would kiss my cheek or my hand.


I was putting my shoes on and I was about to tie them but Nate came and tied them for me. "Thanks Nate" I said pecking his lips

I grabbed a purple bowling ball, I let go of it and got 3 pins down.

"You suck" Nate said laughing

He grabbed a blue ball and let it go. He didn't knock any down.

"You suck too" I said laughing at him

After 15 minutes of playing Nate looked mad.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm fine, Okay those boys over there are looking at you and your ass" he said

"Awww is Natey jealous?" I said

"Jay this is serious, they don't know that I'm your boyfriend"

"You haven't asked me out so technically we are not dating"

Nate nodded and though for a few seconds. "JAEL GILINSKY WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" He said loud so the boys can hear

"YES NATE I WOULD LOVE TOO" I said loudly and laughing

Nate picked me up and kissed me. "YOU SEE THAT SHE'S MY GIRL SO STOP LOOKING AT HER ASS!" Nate yelled at the boys

"Okay babe lets go." I said giggling


We got in the car and Nate drove to a dark corner.

"Uhh what are you doi-" I said but Nate cut me off with a kiss
Couple minutes later we were in the back making out almost half naked.

Nate laid me down and kissed me hard but passionate, I grabbed one of the condoms that the Twins gave us. I pulled off his pants

"May I?" I asked
He nodded, I put the Condom on his member.

Nate took off my shorts and underwear. He kissed me and put his dick in my entrance. I moaned and grabbed onto his hair.

(a/n Tbh I'm not good at smuts so I can't finish it sorry 😂😒)

30 minutes later we finished.

We got back home and everyone was sitting in the living room. Kalina and the twins dragged me upstairs

"So how was it?" They all said
"Uhh good" I laughed
"Anything happened?"
"We are dating now" I answered
"Anything else?"
"Umm No" I said
"Grayson followed you and he told me that you guys did it!" Kalina said

"Grayson you followed me!"
"Yeahhh sorry"
"So was it good ?" Ethan asked
"Yeah I guess " I said laughing

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