Chapter 3

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I was taking a shower while Matt was looking through my closet. When I got out Matt was gone and it was already 3:30 the party started at 4:20 so I had to hurry up. Matt had the stuff set up on the bed (pic above).

Matt had really good taste in clothes, After I got ready I put my earrings on and I curled my hair. When I was done I took a picture and posted it on Instagram, I walked Downstairs All the guys were there and Madison. After couple minutes they were looking at me.

"Okay can you guys stop looking at me." I said laughing

"Damn wish that was mine" JJ said
"That's my homie G" Sammy said after
"Omg Jayy you look so pretty!" Madison Squealed

"Ya see I got good taste in clothes" Matt said with a smirk

"Okay guys I get it my sister is beautiful but stop looking at her." my brother said covering me

I laughed at them. I went into the kitchen and Nate came over "Hey princess you look beautiful."

"Thanks Nate" I smiled at him and hugged him

I guess we hugged for 6 minutes just standing there. Until Sammy came in and ruined the moment

"Awww #Jate" Sammy said and he got a picture of us hugging. "Anyways Kalina is here"

I let go of Nate and smiled and him and went to the living room.

When I saw Kalina I hugged her.
"Hey Bubbles!" I squealed
"Hey Blossom"

We squealed at the same time, we called each other that cause we both loved powerpuff girls when we were younger.


It was 5:20 and Kalina and I were dancing, we were both pretty drunk. I went on snapchat and recorded Kalina and I dancing and laughing like crazy. After Sammy came and decided to take Kalina to dance.

"Having fun?" Matt said walking to me
"Hell yeah!" I said laughing

After a couple hours I went to hang out with Madison, I wasn't really a big fan of her but I my brother is really happy with her so I have to accept her plus she was really kind.

"Hey girlie!" Madison said hugging me
"Hey Girl!" I said and hugging her back
"Having fun?"
"Yeah the party is so cool!" I said
"Well I better get going Jack got high and now he won't leave me alone" she said laughing
"Okay bye" I smiled at her

I was having so much fun.



I was so bored. Well now it 8:00 and this was supposed to be fun but I'm sitting on the stairs alone. Yay what fun.

Kalina was with Sammy, JJ was drunk and knocked out, Jack and Madison are in their room, Matt was talking to some of his old friends (Cameron and Taylor), and I have no clue where Nate is.

I decided to go outside, I sat on the porch stairs and I went on Twitter. Sammy posted the picture of Nate and I hugging.

"Hey Princess"
I looked up and it was Nate "Hey Nate" I said to him

"Why you outside alone?"
"I was getting bored inside."
"Ohh" he said and sat besides me.

"Take a picture with me" I told him
"Umm okay" he said laughing
He put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek, I took the picture

"Did you see the picture on Twitter that Sammy posted?"
"Yeah, your really short" he said laughing
"Shut up you ass, my height is really cute!" I said laughing

I looked at my phone and looked at the picture we took, And I posted it on Twitter

"Awww we look cute."
"You look cute." Nate said

I blushed and smiled at him. Honestly I've always liked Nate but I always denied it cause I was dating Dillon

Couple minutes later Nate was on snapchat saying random stuff and talking about random stuff. I looked on Twitter and there was so many comments on the picture I posted

@Nates.Trojan21: Omg I ship that 😩😍
@Sammygotmilk: Yall are cute 😍
@UhmNateMaloley: #Jate 😏

@sammywilk: Damn Nate get some! 😂👌🏻

After couple minutes of reading all that I texted Sammy.

To Wilky 😋💗: Sam I gotta ask you something.
From Wilky 😋💗: Sup homie G
To Wilky 😋💗: Does Nate like me?

I got no answer from Sam and I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Nate asked
"Nothing just Sam didn't answer an important question I asked."
"what was the question?" Nate said

I stayed quiet for couple seconds and let out a sigh. "Nate do you like me?" I asked

"Yeah why wouldn't I" he said laughing
"Not that way as in a girlfriend type of way." I said
"Ohh ummm.. Honestly Jay I do. I've always liked you." Nate said

It was quite for a few minutes until Nate grabbed my face and kissed me, Sammy came out of nowhere with Kalina and Sam got a picture of us kissing. Nate and I stopped kissing and turned to them.

"Seriously Sam why do you always show up on the best moments?" Nate said laughing

We all laughed and talked for a while. It was 2:38 and most people left, so we decided to go back inside.

The only people that were there were Sammy, Kalina, JJ, Madison, my brother, Matt, Taylor (Taylor Caniff), Cameron , Nate and I.

At this point everybody was drunk and bored. We all decided to play truth or dare.

"Taylor truth or dare?" Said JJ
"Dare" Taylor said
"I dare you to go skinny dip in the pool for the rest of the game"

Taylor got up and went to the pool and took his clothes off and went in the pool.

"Sammy truth or dare?" I said
"Truth" Sammy said
"Is it true that you like Kalina?"
"Yeah it is" Sammy said smirking and putting his arm around Kalina

Kalina honestly looked like a tomato. "Okay guys I wanna talk to Kalina alone so we'll be in the guest room." Sam said

"Keep it pg-13 Wilkinson!" I yelled

"Madison truth or dare ?" Nate said
"I dare you to go to your room with JG and do whatever floats your boat."
They both got up and left

"Nate Truth or dare" Matt said
"Ummm... Dare"
"I dare you to go to Jael's room and.."

Matt had whispered in his ear and I didn't hear anything. Nate got up and picked me up and took me to the room.

"Umm will you be my girlfriend?"
I was about to answer but Sammy barged in with Kalina.

"Kalina and I are dating!!" Sammy shouted

"Congrats guys!" Nate and I said
"Let's go Nate we gotta talk" Sammy took Nate and left.

I didn't even get to answer Nate.

So that's chapter 3. It was really long chapter, and Should Jael say yes or no to Nate?

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