Chapter 32

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"Hi baby" I said as I carried the baby

Nate was carrying the boy.

"Did you guys finally decide on a name?" The doctor asked

Nate nodded as he looked at our baby boy "Aiden Julian Maloley"

Nate looked back at me and I looked at our baby girl "Adeline Julianna Maloley"

The doctor smiled and nodded. She left the room and Adeline started crying. Nate passed me Aiden and I gave him Adeline. She immediately calmed down.

"I guess she's going to be a daddy's girl" I chuckled as Aiden fell asleep quickly "and he's going to be a mammas boy"

Nate walked to me and kissed me on the forehead "I love you so much meeting you was the best thing ever"

"Meeting you was the greatest thing that ever happened" I smiled

We heard the door open and it was the twins.

"Twin!" They both yelled

"Shh!" I said

They both stayed quit and hugged me. "They look like you"

I smiled and looked at Aiden and Adeline "you think so?"

All three nodded.

short chapter i know sorry but the babies are here! next chapter will be longer. and happy thanksgiving guys!

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