Chapter 30

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I sat on the couch with Nate. Sam and Kalina have been distant from everything.

"Are you scared?" Nate asked me
I looked at him confused.
"Giving birth"

I shook my head "no"

We heard the doorbell and Nate got up to open it. Once he opened it Sam and Kalina came in with bags of clothes.

Kalina was wearing no makeup and she was in sweatpants.

"I'll get the guest room ready" Nate said as he and Sam went upstairs

I looked at Kalina "are you okay?"

She rolled her eyes "why cant people just stop asking me that"

Before I said anything Sam came down. "Thanks Jael for letting us stay here"

I nodded "my pleasure"

After a couple hours Kalina and Nate went food shopping. I walked upstairs to find Sam crying on the floor.

"You okay Sammy?" I asked him and sat next to him

He shook his head "I don't love her anymore"

I looked at him. I didn't know what to say.

"I didn't want to purpose and I definitely didn't want to have this baby" he quietly said

I grabbed his hand and looked at him "You don't mean that Sam. Kalina is just hurting she'll be fine after."

"I lost this baby too Jael not just Kalina!" He yelled. "Why is everyone defending her." He then sighed "I lost the baby too"

I sat closer to him and he placed his head on my shoulder.

"Remember when I used to like you? During college"

I chuckled "you were obsessed"

He chuckled and stayed quiet. We stayed like this until Nate came back with the food. We both got up and Sam hugged me.

"Thanks for everything Jael"

I nodded "your like my brother Sam I would do anything for you"

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