Chapter 8

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We got in the car and it was silent. Nate was driving and I was sitting in the seat next to him. Kalina was in the back with Sammy. Kalina and I were texting each other.

To Kalina💋: Omg this is awkward
From Kalina💋: Omg for real.


Nate dropped me off at My brothers house, Sammy went to go drop Kalina at her house. When I walked in Dad was there.

"Really Jael getting arrested! Jack you were supposed to watch her!" Dad yelled

"You didn't tell him did you Jack?" Nate asked

"What is he talking about?" Dad asked

Jack stayed quiet "I kicked her out of the house"

"What is wrong with both of you?!" Dad yelled

"She called me a bad brother dad!" Jack argued
"Well you always wanted to control my life!" I said


"Jael your moving back to New Jersey with me." Dad said
"What no I hate it there!" 
"Your 17 so I still have custody of you until you 18."

"Dad this isn't fair!" I yelled

"That's not my problem Jael!cYou can do whatever you want when you turn 18. But for now you are leaving with me." Dad yelled

"Dad she can stay I'll watch her" Jack said

"No Jack! End of discussion she's leaving with me tomorrow morning so get your things packed Jael."

"I hate you dad! I hate everyone!" I yelled and ran upstairs and locked the door starting to cry.

I packed my things while crying. I couldn't see anything from all the water in my eyes. I texted Kalina

To Kalina💋: I'm moving away
From Kalina💋: What do you mean you can't!
To Kalina💋: My dad is forcing me. I'm really going to miss you bubbles
From Kalina💋: I'm going to miss you too blossom

After I packed up I fell asleep crying.


I woke up and walked downstairs with my stuff. Everyone was there Sammy, Kalina, Nate, Dillon, Taylor, Madison, and the Jacks. Dad grabbed my suitcase and went outside "I'll wait for you outside." Dad said

Kalina walked up to me crying "Don't cry bubbles" I said with tears in my eyes
"What am I going to do without my blossom?"

I lost it and started crying. "You'll do just fine without me. It only for 8 months till I turn 18." I said
"That's too long I'm going to miss you so much"
"Come here" I said and hugged her

Next was Sammy "My homie G is leaving" he said hugging me
"I'm going to miss you so much and promise me something."
"Okay what's up?"
"Get Kalina back and treat her right. She loves you a lot." I whispered to him
"I promise" Sam said

Dillon and Taylor came up. "Jay We going to miss you so much." Dillon said
"You will always be the queen of parties." Taylor said laughing
"I'm going to miss you guys too" I said laughing

Then it was Madison "I'm going to miss you girlie." She said hugging me
"I'll miss you to Madi" I said

Then JJ "You never gave me a chance" JJ said laughing "I'm going to miss you"
"I'll miss you too Johnson" I said hugging him.

After My brother came up to me crying "I was the one that had to watch after us and failed." He said

"It's okay Jack don't cry" I said with tears in my eyes

"When you come back I want you to come back here. You don't have to move here but I want you in Omaha, cause your the Omaha Girl."

"I promise I'll come back" I smiled at him and hugged him

I walked to Nate "Princess I'm sorry this is all my fault" he said
"It's fine Nate" I kissed his cheek
"I'm going to miss you Princess." He said
"I'll miss you too." I said

I said bye to everyone and left to New Jersey.


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