Chapter 13

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Everyone was out of the house and The twins and I were making YouTube videos.

"Hey guys it's Grayson"
"And our triplet Raven!" They both clapped.

"This is our first time" Ethan said
"First time doing stuff" Grayson said afterwards

Question: Our first IG Picture
Grayson was Doing a trick in a skateboard.: "I was steezin" Grayson said "I wasn't really doing a trick I just threw my board and pretended I was doing something"

Ethan was doing a backflip off a boat.
"Little boat action" I said
"Boat action" Grayson said

Mine was me riding my skateboard and sticking out my middle finger.
"Wow that's inappropriate!" Ethan said
"You were like 5" Grayson added
"Alright first of all, I was 17 or 16 and y'all were like 14" I defended myself and I began laughing

Next Question: First Day Of School

Twins First Day Of School: "It was Kindergarten an-" Grayson started
"And we held hands walking to school" Ethan finished
I started laughing my ass off

My First Day Of School: "Uhhh Kindergarten and I- Wait oh god I remember I was walking and I tripped and fell on this old lady" I said laughing
The twins looked at me like I was stupid and then started laughing like crazy.

Next Question: First Day Of High School

Twins First Day of High School: "We held hands walki-" Ethan said "Walking Into high school"
"I don't remember this at all" Grayson added
"Mind you this was 9 Months Ago" I said

My First Day Of High School: "Uhhh to be honest I don't remember that was like 4 years ago" I said laughing
"Your old!" Ethan yelled and began laughing as Grayson was practically Peeing his pants.

Next Question: First Vacation

Twins: "I believe it was Florida" Ethan said "And I was wearing Yellow crocs"
"I was wearing Green Crocs" Grayson said
Grayson and Ethan turned to me and winked at me.
"Stop your like 3!" I told them laughing

Mine: "Uhhh I thi-"
"Why do you always say Uhhh" Ethan said laughing
"I know right!" Grayson added
"Um Cause I do" I said laughing "Anyways I think it was California"

Next Question: First Girlfriend/Boyfriend

"My first girlfriend was in 6th Grade" Grayson said "I'm pretty sure I did Pretty embarrassing things"
"Yeah Probably" Ethan and I said at the same time and then we laughed

"Mine was in 4th grade" Ethan said
"He hugged her and it was crazy" Grayson added chuckling
"I hugged her once it was crazy" Ethan said "I think we broke up cause like it was getting to serious"
Gray I laughed for a few minutes that we had to cut out the part.
"His grades were dropping" I said
"All my crayons were breaking" Grayson said

"Uh mine was like in 6th grade" I said
"She probably dated a little nerd" Ethan said laughing
I started laughing and rolled my eyes "I actually did"

Next Question: Our First Hobby

"I was a fisherman" Grayson said all proudly

We all started laughing at him.

"Mine was Skateboarding" Ethan said
" I like chicken" Grayson Said

"What are you talk-? Okay anyways it was drawing" i said

Next Question: First Word

Grayson: "Vegetarian"
Ethan: "Mom"
Mine: "Watermelon"

Next Question: First Kiss

Grayson: "It was in 6th grade but I think I kissed her nose"
"He missed guys " I chuckled
"I still count it cause I tried"

Ethan: "I was on a spaghetti dinner and I just heard my favorite sing Replay... By IYAZ" Ethan began
We all laughed until we couldn't breathe

"And I just knew it was time, so right where the part its like My iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay. I tapped her on the shoulder, you know just like practical joking. She ended up falling for it." Ethan said
We all laughed.

"And when she looked back at me, I gave her one of these" Ethan gave a i don't know look. "I realized she had spaghetti sauce all over her mouth and I just leaned in and kissed her"
I laughed and had to pee "I'll be right back"
"We are taking a pause cause this person is about to pee her pants"

Mine: "Uh It was in 8th grade, with the nerdy kid"
"y'all lasted for like 3 years" Grayson said laughing
"Actually it was 4" I said laughing

"Okay guys that's the end of the video!" Ethan said
"We'll see you next Tuesday!" Grayson said
"Thanks to our Twin Jael " Ethan said laughing
"Bye guys!" I said


"Nate look at Jays ex boyfriend!" Gray said

Ethan showed him a picture

"Babe that nerdy kid is hotter than me!" Nate said "He's like a threat to me"
"I barely talk to him now" I said rolling my eyes.

"Wait you still talk to him! Well I trust you but if he texts you again you tell me."
"Okay Nateyyyy!" I said giving him a kiss on his cheek

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