Chapter 10

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7 Days Later: Jael+

We were officially all moved in at the house. Kalina and I have became good friends again, Nate and I have bonded we almost kissed a couple times but Sammy always had to kill it.

I was decorating my room, the walls were a dark red. Grayson came in my room couple minutes later.

"Yo what the fuck your room looks depressing" Grayson said laughing

"Shut up Atleast my room has a bathroom" I said

"Shut up I'm mad that I don't get a bathroom" he said laughing

And then seconds later Sam and the Jacks came

"Your room looks depressing" They all said laughing

"Oh my god shut the fuck up. Get out!" I said laughing

It was around 10:40 and it was pouring rain outside. We were all in the living room hanging out. Sammy was doing a lap dance for Kalina, we were all cracking up. Kalina literally looked like a tomato, Grayson walked to me and sat on my lap.

"Grayson!" I groaned trying to push him off me
"There's no room for me to sit" he said laughing
"The floor!" I pointed
"Ughh.. Fine " He got off me and sat on the floor resting his head on my legs.

Couple minutes later we heard a big ass bang from the basement.

"Sam go check it!" I called him
"Hell no that's probably chucky down there!" He said "Twins go!"

Grayson and Ethan quickly pretended to be asleep. "The Jacks" Ethan said

"Tf no!" They both said "We could die"

"The girls!" Sammy called

"Fine" I got up and Kalina just sat there
"What if I die?" Kalina said
"Oh my god okay Nate come with me" I said

Grayson gave me the look as in keep it pg-13 kind of look. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

We walked downstairs and turned on the light. "You go first" I said
"You!" He said
"Nate please" I said pouting

He rolled his eyes and went down first. We walked down and looked around, Couple minutes later we heard something fall. I got scared so I hugged Nate.

"Uhhhh.. sorry" I said backing away

Nate smiled and shook his head and went to go look. He took forever and i started to get creeped out. Nate being an idiot scared me and I punched him.

"Oh Nate I'm sorry!" I said
"For a girl you know how to punch" he said laughing "Some dogs"

The dogs came running and ran upstairs.

"A fucking dog bro!" We heard Sammy yell

We ran upstairs and Everyone was on the couch standing up, It was two puppies. A blue heeler and a chihuahua.

I sat on the floor and patted my leg. The chihuahua came running to me.

"Awww who's the cute puppy" I said and rubbed the dogs belly
"I'm naming you Princess" I said

The blue heeler was sitting in front of Kalina, Kalina got down from the couch and pet the dog . "Mmm I'm calling you Prince" She said

"Woah 4 dogs? That's a lot " Ethan said

Kalina and I said "Shut up Ethan they're puppies!"

Kalina and I went upstairs and showered the puppies. We made a huge mess of water. After we finished we dried them and let them play with the other puppies, Berry and Ethan jr. I named my dog Berry cause of her eyes. Ethan names his dog Ethan jr. Cause he said it was the best name a dog can ever get.

It was 12:21 and Everyone was smoking weed. It was Kalinas first time and she was high at the 3rd puff.

Couple minutes later she passed out. Sammy took her to the room and they fell asleep. When it turned 1:12 Jack J had fallen asleep on the couch and my brother fell asleep on the floor. The twins went to the room and it was only Nate and I.

"That hug was pretty sweet" Nate smirked
"Shut up Maloley" I said laughing
"Mmm I'm tired " Nate said getting up from the floor
"Me too" I got up and walked to the stairs

As I was walking up Nate slapped my butt "Nate!" I said
"Shh.. Your going to wake up everyone " he said smirking

I ran to my room and closed the door

I looked at my clock it was 4:30 a.m. I woke up because I had a bad dream and I heard a thud from the attic.

Since Nate was right next door, I walked out and knocked on his door. He opened it.

"You heard that thud too?" He asked and I nodded "this house creepy"

"Can I sleep with you" I asked him
"Anytime babe" he winked at me
"Not that kind of sleep" I said and hit his arm
"Yeah sure c'mon"

Nate went to go lay down and I laid next to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow?" Nate asked kissing my cheek
"Yeah sure" I answered
"I love you Princess "
"I love you too Maloley"

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