Chapter 17

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"Umm Nate wouldn't do that" I told Dillon as he put his phone back in his pocket
"Well I mean I was there and I took it. Look on your Twitter"

I grabbed my phone and there was a whole bunch of pictures of him and Jessie. He let her sit on his lap and they kissed.

I let a tear fall out. "I thought he loved me, Can you please leave Dillon" I said wiping my tears
"When you see that he clearly isn't the one text me"

"Hey triplet!" The twins yelled
"I told you to watch him you idiots!" I yelled at the twins
"We kinda got drunk and we knocked out" Gray said

Nate came in with a hickey on his neck. "And you, Your an asshole!" I yelled at Nate

I ran upstairs and locked the door, I slid on the door and cried. I texted Dillon.

To Dillon😈: Please pick me up.
From Dillon😈: Be there in 5

"Princess please it was a mistake!" Nate yelled

I opened the door and slapped Nate "I hate you Nate. I hate you so much!"
"No you don't" Nate said wiping my tears

I loved the way his hand felt but I pushed them away "Don't touch me!"
"Jay please she didn't mean anything to me!"
"You said that about the past 2 other girls Nate! Am I going to be one of your mistakes too?" I asked

He stuttered and then started "No Princess. It all just happened so fast and I wasn't focused"

I got a message from Dillon.

From Dillon💀: I'm outside

"Nate I forgave you twice and you still messed it up. This year has been a total waste. I'm leaving" I said walking into the living room

Nate grabbed a a vase and threw it at the wall. Part of the vase cut my wrist and I ran outside, Nate followed me outside.

"Your leaving with him!" Nate yelled

Dillon walked out and he opened the door for me.

"Jay please stop" Nate said grabbing on to my arm
"Nate your hurting me"
"He's destroying our relationship! Please stay" he said gripping harder
"Nate Stop your hurting me!" I yelled

The twins came running and grabbed Nate "Nate let her go!"

"Jay it was a mistake please!"
"No I'm done. We're done" I told him

Nate let go of my arm and punched Dillon, Dillon punched Nate and they got into a fight.

"Dillon Stop!" I yelled and He stopped, he opened the door from his car.


"Are you okay?" Dill asked me
"Uhh well it looks like I'm going to get a bruise"

My wrist look purple and i had a cut on my wrist.

"And let's get you cleaned up" I told Dillon

We walked to the kitchen he sat in a chair, I got a rag and wet it. I walked to Dillon and he had a cut on his lips. I placed the rag on his lip and he groaned.

"Thanks Jay"

I nodded and sat on the counter. He looked at me and grabbed the rag.

"Let's get you cleaned up"

He cleaned my wrist and rapped it with a bandage.


"So what do you wanna do?" He asked
"Well since its 3 in the morning sleep"
He chuckled and nodded.

"So you sleep on the bed. Do I get the bed too or floor?" he asked
"Uhh you get the floor" I said
"C'mon Jayyy please"
"No. the Floor Dill"

MORNING: I woke up to Dillon sleeping on the bed. Good thing he was not hugging me or anything.

I looked on my phone and I hade 63 messages from Nate and 21 missed calls.

From My King 😍: Baby please I'm sorry.
From My King 😍: I miss you.
From My King 😍: She didn't mean anything to me

Dillon groaned and turned to me.
"Hey aren't you supposed to be on the floor?" I asked him
"Uhh well you see the thing is I saw a Nasty ass bug and I went up here"
"Your such a dumbass" I laughed

"Dillon Pancakes!" I heard Taylor yell

We both walked downstairs and when Taylor saw us he smirked.

"Oh I peep that Dill!" Taylor smirked and hugged me
"Hi Tayyy"

I sat in a chair and ate a pancake.
"You slept over?" Taylor asked "Are you guys back together?"

I choked on my pancake and took a sip from my cup.

"Unfortunately we're not Taylor" Dillon said "Yet" he mumbled

I kicked his leg And he gave me a cheesy smile

"Well I gave to go back to the studio. Will I see you later Jael?"
"Umm yeah maybe"

He nodded "And since im in the studio now i watch the news all the time and there's going to be a big storm later so be careful" he told us and left

"Yet!" I yelled at Dillon
"C'mon Jay we were together for awhile don't you miss it?"

I looked down and didn't answer him.

"Are you a girlscouts cause you tie my heart in knots. You remember that?" Dill asked 
I laughed "yeah you said it on the first day of freshman year when we met"
"I was so cheesy"

We chuckled
"Yeahhh you still are sometimes"

Dillon leaned in to kiss me, I leaned in but backed up "Is it cool if I stay for a week or so?" I asked
"Uhh.. Yeah"

The doorbell rang, Dillon got up and opened it. Nate rushed in and hugged me.

"Princess please forgive me I'm sorry!" Nate said
"Nate you smell like weed and alcohol" I said " Dillon can you give me a ride to the house?" I asked
He nodded

HOME: It had already started pouring outside, We got there and no one was in the house. I walked Nate to his room and laid him down after I walked into my room and grabbed some clothes. And then the lights shut off. Great.

"Uhh Jay its pouring outside and the lights shut off"
"Great that's wonderful were stuck here" I said

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