Chapter 20

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I was in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test, I finished and I had to wait a minute

"How did this happen we used protection" Nate asked "So plus means your pregnant right"
I nodded

"And negative means no right"
"Yes Nate" I answered

I looked at the test and it had a plus sign "What is it?" Nate asked
"A pos- positive"

He put his hands up to his head. "You can't be pregnant, I'm 21 I don't want to be a dad yet Jael!"
"Do you think I want to be pregnant Nate! I'm 19 I do not want to be a mother"

He put his hands down "Are you keeping it?"
"Of course I am Nate! Nate it's yours too we made it"

He chuckled "No it's not, you take care of it. I don't want anything to do with it or you" Nate said

I let out a couple tears and took off my ring and handed it to him. Nate was going to kiss my forehead but stopped and walked out

I slid on the wall and cried. He doesn't love me anymore. I thought.

Grayson walked in and saw me. "Jay are you okay?" He asked as he sat next to me
"No I'm not, I'm pregnant!"
"Your pregnant with Nate's baby?" Ethan asked walking in as I nodded

"Isn't that good? Where is he?" They asked
"He's gone, he doesn't want anything to do with us" I said grabbing onto my stomach
"We'll help you" Gray suggested
"Yeah your like a sister to us Jay you've done a lot for us" Ethan finished

I smiled at them and gave them a hug "Thank you guys. This means a lot."

They smiled and nodded "Look if you want we could move back to Jersey, you can stay with us our mom will help you too"
"I'll move with you guys" I agreed
"Well then I'll buy tickets to Jersey and let's start packing" Gray said clapping


"Jay your leaving me again" Kalina whined hugging me

The twins and I were leaving to Jersey, Nobody has seen Nate in a two weeks. He had called Sam a few times to tell him he's okay

"Bye baby" Johnson said rubbing my belly

I smiled and hugged him "bye Jack"

"We'll visit once in a while" Jack said as he wiped a tear
"Aww brother are you crying" I said as he was sniffled
"No, all this dust in this room is going in my eyes" he said hugging me and sobbed "why do you have to leave!!"

I just chuckled and hugged him.

"I'm really sorry about Nate" Sam apologized
"It's not your fault Wilk"

He nodded as Ethan took my luggage.
"Okay Pregos our flight is in 30 minutes" Grayson said

We got our stuff and left


We walked into the big house.

"We're home!" Ethan yelled
"Sweeties!" Mama Dolan yelled and came running with her arms opened

Gray and Ethan were shoving each other to get the first hug and Mrs.Dolan hugged me first.

"What mom!" The twins complained
"I'm sorry darlings" she said and hugged them
"Mommy I missed you!" Ethan said
"Awww my baby boy I missed you too"

Ethan was definitely a mommas boy.
"So my dear how's the pregnancy?" Mrs.dolan asked me
"Well I've been really hungry" I said giggling
"C'mon let's go make some tacos"
"Yesss!!" Grayson yelled
"I'm going to sleep!" Ethan yelled walking upstairs

We all laughed and went to go cook.

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