Chapter 44

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Two Month Later: Jael+

Just last month our new daughter Aidelaide Maloley was born. She cried a lot and right now it was two in the morning and he had just fell asleep.

"Finally some quiet time" Nate said as we both laid down in bed.

He began playing with my hair. I began closing my eyes.

"You know you have really pretty eyes"

"Really? I was thinking about taking them out but I won't now cause you like them" I joked

He chuckled "I like everything about you"

I smiled kissing his cheek.

"You know I'm sorry for everything that I did to you. For cheating, hitting, not being in thee kids life for awhile, and throwing stuff at you. I never meant to hurt you" he said holding my arm and feeling the small scar I had from when he threw a vase on the wall and it cut me.

"It's okay Nate" I said

He nodded and gave me a small kiss "So the wedding..." he began "I was thinking about the date, June 25. "

"Why that day?" I asked him

"It was the day we met" he answered

I agreed on the date and we decided to sleep for the few hours we were going to get. Before I could close my eyes Aidelaide began crying.

"I got it" Nate said getting up

Nate and I got no sleep last night. I began making breakfast for the kids before they woke up. Nate was sitting on the couch with Aidelaide and Stew. He was still living with us.

"Well I got two hours of sleep last night" Stew said

"Great we got none" Nate said

I rolled my eyes and I heard stomping coming down the steps.

"Mommy, Aiden took my pillow last night. I need my own room!" Adeline complained

"No I didn't the one she had was mine!"

For a five year old they had good grammar. Nate bragged about it and said it came from his side of family.

"Uh yeah tell your dad" I said

They ran off to the living room.

"Tell your mom" I heard

They came back to me.

"Tell Stew"

They ran back to the living room.

After another 12 minutes the food was ready. Everyone sat down to eat and I fed Aidelaide. Stew finished quickly and stood up.

"Aight you eat and I'll feed her" he said

"Thanks Stew" I said giving him Aidelaide and the bottle

so I'm starting sophomore year tomorrow and I'm excited but unfortunately I won't be able to update any of my books for a few weeks.

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