Chapter 12

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We were all sitting on the couch, watching The Maze Runner. Nate had his arm around me and Sammy had his arm on Kalina.

"Come here brother!" Ethan told Grayson who hugged Ethan
"You too Johnson" Grayson asked JJ stretching out his arms
"Nahh I'm good" JJ chuckled

"Come here!" Jack said to JJ. He got up and hugged Jack
"Trader!!" The twins said laughing

"Oh my god we should go camping tomorrow!" Kalina suggested
"Omg yes! Matts going to be here tomorrow too!" I squealed

"Ewe why camping?" All the boys asked
They all sighed
"We'll get bitten my Mosquitos" Nate said
"We can get attacked by bears" Sammy said
"It's going to be hot" My Brother said

Kalina and I looked at the twins.
"We're down" Ethan and Grayson said

Kalina looked at Sammy. "Please!"
"No" Sam Said
Kalina crossed her arms and Sam hugged her "Okay fine don't get mad"
"Yay!" She squealed and kissed Sam

I looked at Nate "No Princess"
"But Nateyyyy!" I whined
"Fine" I said and got up from the couch and walked past Nate

"Okay fine" Nate grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a hug.

JJ looked at Jack with a cheesy smile. "Yes Johnson we can go" Jack chuckled

I texted Matt.
To My Dinosaur😁: Matt we are going camping tomorrow!

Matt loved to go camping, so he would definitely be excited.

From My Dinosaur😁: Yesssss!!! 👏🏻👏🏻


Jack and I picked up Matt at 6:00 in the morning.

Nate wouldn't get up so I kissed all over his face.
"Babe stop! I'm sleeping!" He said

I punched his Arm playfully
"Alright princess I'm up !" He said and kissed my cheek and got up.

CAMPING: It was 3:30 p.m
Kalina was complaining about all the bugs.

"Kalina I can't do anything about the bugs" Sammy said annoyed

Ethan and Grayson were sitting in the car with a little fan, The Jacks were in the car sleeping in the back seats, Nate and Sam were trying to build the tents.

"Yall are boring!" Matt said as he dragged me with him "Lets go" I said and dragged Matt

We went into the woods and saw some berries "Look berries!"
"Uhhh aren't those poisoned berries ?" I asked Matt
"I know my berries" Matt answered back with a sass
"Okay Mattquisha" I chucked

Couple minutes later I started eating the berries "Okay let's save some for the rest of the lame people" Matt said laughing

We walked back to the camp, Everyone was still doing the same.
"Okay guys you all suck!" Matts said

"This is the worst idea ever!" Everyone said except for Matt and I
"Okay let's go everyone!" Matt said as he took his shirt off and jumped in the lake.

I took my shorts off and my crop top. I laid my towel on the dock and laid down. As everyone went in the lake Kalina put her towel next to me.

I felt arms go around me and they though me in the water. When I got up I saw Nate laughing on the dock.
"Your an asshole!" I yelled a him chuckling

He jumped in and hugged me.

Once it got dark we went to our cabins I was laying on bed with Nate and the puppies.

"These dogs are everywhere" Nate said
"They are adorable" I said kissing Princess
"You should be kissing me"

I kissed Nate and he bit my lip.

"Nateeee I'm playing with the puppies"
"They could watch" Nate said kissing me and crawled on me

"Get some Nate!" Sammy and Kalina said laughing

Nate got up and grabbed the puppies and gave them to Sam and Kalina "Watch them" he said then closed the door.

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