Chapter 15

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I was sitting on the couch with Kalina, the Twins, the Jacks and Matt.

"So how's your sex life?" Matt asked me

I chuckled and turned to him "Uhhh good?"

"Eww stop that's my sister!" Jack yelled covering his ears

"What about you Matt?" Ethan asked
"Nahh I don't do that shit" Matt said "I'm an angel"

We all looked at him, Sam and Nate ran to the living room

"Are you a Virgin?" They asked
Matt's face turned red "Uhh no?" Matt said awkwardly

Grayson and the Jacks laughed at him
"Aww Matty" Ethan said pinching his cheeks

"Omg dude we gotta get you layed we have to go to the club an-" Sam and Nate said but got cut off.

Kalina and I gave Nate and Sam and a look "Your going where?"

"Uhh the park?" Sam responded

Johnson groaned. "Well they are all in relationships so I'll take you to a strip club or a club"

"Wait so you twins are like 3 and you've had sex?" I asked them
"Well I have" Grayson said
"Uhh well I'm half a virgin" Ethan said

We all looked at him confused. Ethan played with his fingers.


"Okay yes I'm a Virgin." Ethan admitted
"Okay me too!" Sam yelled

We all started laughing "Bro you weren't even a virgin before you started having sex with Kalina" Nate said

"Uhh we don't even have sex!" Kalina yelled as she turned into a tomato
"Ya Lying!" Matt yelled
"I hear you from my room and I'm 4 rooms away from you" Ethan said

Kalina's face got red and she got up "well you people nasty" and she went upstairs. "That didn't even make sense but whatever! "

I was on my phone and I got a message.

From Dillon💩: Hey baby girl

Nate grabbed my phone and read the messages.

To Dillon💩: This is her boyfriend Nate. I swear if you text her again I will break your face.

Nate texted him and deleted his number, Nate gave me back the phone. He sat next to me and put his arm around my waist.

The doorbell rang and Jack got up to open it

"Why are you here?" I heard Jack ask
"I need to talk to Jael"

It's sounded like Dillon, Matt peeked and looked at me

"Dillon" he whispered

"Woah DILLON YOUR EX?" Grayson yelled

Nate got up and walked to the door and pulled Dillon inside the house.

"I want Jael back"
"Well you can't cause I'm with her" Nate said
"Actually it's her decision"

Nate and everyone else looked at me. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

"I love Nate not you" I told Dillon

Nate grabbed Dillon by his shirt and took him outside and slammed the door.

"I love you too babe" Nate said as He sat next to me and hugged me

I got another message.

From Unknown: Its Dillon and I won't stop unless I get you back and this is only the beginning. I will find every mistake you guys make in your relationship.

The twins and Nate was next to me and saw the message, I looked at them. The twins looked nervous.

"We'll figure it out later" Nate said and I nodded .

Grayson grabbed my phone and deleted the message.

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