Chapter 9

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8 Months Later:

Today was the big day, I'm finally turning 18! I'm going to Omaha today, so I can celebrate my birthday with the guys.

Over these months Matt came to visit me almost the whole 8 months, Kalina and I grew distant, We would text each other once in awhile to check up on each other, The boys would text me whenever they aren't busy. Sammy and Kalina have been dating for 7 months now.

While I was in Jersey I made new friends the Dolan twins (Ethan Dolan and Grayson Dolan). They went everywhere I went so they were coming to Omaha with me.


I met up with the twins at the airport. "Happy Birthday twin!" Grayson and Ethan yelled

Grayson and Ethan says that I look like them.
"Thanks you dorks" I said and hugging them

We got in the plane. I snapchatted Grayson, he put a sock in Ethan's mouth, Ethan was sleeping and snoring so Grayson decided to put a sock in his mouth.

We were cracking up and left him like that the whole trip. Once we finally landed I recorded a vine for Grayson. He was going to scare Ethan and wake him up.


"Y'all are really loud I heard the whole plan" Ethan said spitting out the sock and throwing it at me

Grayson and I laughed, Everyone was looking at us like we were crazy.

"It's a sibling thing stop being nosy people!." Grayson yelled

Ethan an I laughed. I gave Grayson his phone back and he captioned the vine "Failed". We got off the plane and My brother was there to pick us up.

"Happy birthday little sister!" Jack hugged me
"Thanks big bro! This is Grayson and Ethan" I said

"Hey" they all said to each other

"Are they staying with us?" Jack asked
"Well we got a hotel room so we aren't staying at the house." I said
Jack nodded and took us to the hotel.


The twins and I were sharing a room. So I slept on the bed and the twins slept on the other. I placed my things down in the hotel and sat on the bed.

Jack told me to go to his house at 8 cause they are making a birthday party for me. I put on a a crop top and shorts. The twins were jumping on the bed.

"Twin come jump!" Ethan said
"No c'mon were leaving"
"Please for a couple minutes" Grayson pouted
"Fineee" I said and got on the bed

We spent 20 minutes on the bed jumping.

Jacks House:

Grayson called an uber and we went to Jacks house. I knocked on the door and Madison opened."Omg Girlie happy birthday!" She said
"Thanks!" I said and walked past her

I was a bit mad at her cause when I left she was at the mall and she was talking to a fan and she said that she was happy I left.

"I have no clue who these people are" Ethan said laughing
"Cmon let me introduce you to some people." I said laughing

"Homie G!!" Sam said hugging me
"Sammy!" I hugged him
"I missed you so much!" He said
"Missed you too Sam. These are my friends Ethan and Grayson." I said
They all said hi to each other.

"The queen of parties has arrived!" Taylor said
"Hi Taylor" I said laughing
"Hey Jay and Damn you look hot" Dillon said laughing
"Thanks" I said laughing
I introduced The twins to them

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