Chapter 6

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Next Day: Jael+

I was heading back home with Dillon. When I got home Nate, my brother, and Sam was there.

"Where the hell have you been?" Jack asked and looked at Dillon then back to me "You can't date him!" Jack yelled "I trusted him and he cheated on you"

"He was there when my own brother wasn't! Whenever you were gone getting high or parties I was upset and he was there for me not you! It's not your decision Jack. Just stop trying to ruin my life!!" I yelled

"I'm not trying too, if anything I'm just trying to make you happy because that's what good brothers do" he said

"Well news flash Jack your not, your possibly the worst brother anyone could have!" I yelled

"You know what go live with your boyfriend and don't come back!" Jack yelled

I went upstairs dragging Dillon "Dillon is it alright if I stay with you"
"Yeah it's fine"

After Packing:

I went downstairs. Dillon was waiting for me in the car.

"Hey Jay I'm sorry about what happened" Sammy said
"It not your fault Wilk" I said

Sammy nodded and ran upstairs

"Hey Princess can we talk?" Nate said "I'm sorry about what I did. I want another chance" Nate said and grabbed my face about to kiss me.

I pulled away "I'm dating Dillon"
"Jay I need you." He said
"Nate you hooked up with another girl when I was going to say yes to you. I have to go" I said and left my house well old house.


"Well your now living with your girlfriend" I sighed
"Yup the girl I love the most" Dillon said and kissed me

"Okay if I'm living here we need food" I said laughing

"I'll go grocery shopping with Caniff and you fix everything " Dillon said and he kissed my forehead

He then left and I had the house to myself

I was fixing my clothes while singing Hypnotic by Bella Day.

You do it to me so well
Hypnotic takin' over me
Make me feel like someone else You got me talkin' in my sleep

After I heard clapping, I looked up and it was Nate. "Nate how did you get in?" I asked
"Credit card" he said and waved his credit card around

"What are you doing here?"
"Princess I want you back. What I did with that girl meant nothing, I was just upset" he said

"You were upset and went to hook up with a girl Nate. I was going to say yes to you we could've been secretly dating if you told me what happened!" I yelled

I heard walking and it was Dillon.

"Wait you were going to date him?" Dillon asked
"I asked her out before you did and I messed up. So technically your her second choice" Nate said

"I'm sorry Dillon I didn't tell you"
"So I was your second choice?" Dillon said
"Y-yeah I'm really sorry" I said

Dillon looked at Nate. "I want you out. I have to talk to Jael" Dillon told Nate

Nate nodded and left.

"I'm sorry Dillon" I said hugging him
"Do you love him?"
"I-I don't know " I said looking down
"Jay if you love him, you should go with him. I don't want to stop you from being happy."

"What about you Dillon. I can't just leave you, what about the fans." I said

"Don't worry about me Jay, if your happy I'm happy. And We haven't told them that were dating so it will be fine." He said

I kissed his check and hugged him. "Thanks Dill" I said and left

Nate was outside getting in his car. "Nate!" I yelled

Nate turned around and walked towards me.

"Princess I'm really sorry, I shouldn't of done what I did I lo-." He said and I cut him off by kissing him

"I love you Princess" he said
"I love you too Nate"

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