Chapter 2

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It was 11:30pm and I was hanging out with my boyfriend, The boys were all downstairs, well except Matt he was still on tour.

Dillon and I were watching Teen Wolf, That was our favorite show to watch together. Today he had been acting strange. Dillon was really quite, he's usually really loud so there was something wrong. He had been on his phone the whole time smiling and stuff.

"Hey Dill?" I asked
"Yeah?" He said not looking up from his phone
"Who are you texting ?"

"Lily" he said then looked up really quick. "Wait I didn't mean to say that. Actually I'm texting Matt."

Lily was his ex girlfriend.

"Let me see your phone."
"Why I'm texting Matt?" He said nervously
"Okay so if it's Matt let me see." I said getting a bit angry

He handed me his phone

To Lily: Hey babe I'm still coming over right?
From Lily: yeah what time?
To Lily: couple minutes. Jael is here with me so I can't leave that soon
From Lily: okay text me when you get here.

"Really Dillon your hooking up with Lily !" I yelled

"Alright look, When you left with Sam and Nate for your concert I called Lily to hang out as friends but she kissed me and we ended up doing stuff."

"Wait hold on so this has been going on for 3 months?!" I screamed at him

"Yes I'm sorry babe. You know I love you and only you"
"Dont call me Jay we are done now Get out! I yelled

My door opened and it was the boys.

"You guys okay?" My brother Jack asked

"Yeah we're fine"

"No were not fine, Why don't you tell them what your doing with Lily!" I said

Dillon stayed quiet and looked down.
"Well I just found out that Dillon has been cheating on me for 3 months!" I yelled out

"Is this true?" My brother said angry
"Yeah" He Mumbled

After that Jack punched Dillon and pinned him to the floor. "Come on bro I trusted you cause I actually thought you would care for Jael. Not even Sam would do that, Cause he knows damn well I will fuck him up, nobody hurts my little sister you asshole." Jack said punching Him over and over.

Sammy and JJ grabbed my brother to calm him down. They took him downstairs to the kitchen.

"You need to leave now" Nate told Dillon

"I'm sorry Jael" Dillon said and left, he was bleeding from his nose and had a bruise on his cheek.

When Dillon left I hugged Nate and cried my eyes out. I loved Dillon I mean he was my boyfriend of 3 years. I let go of Nate and crawled onto my bed.

The boys came back up and closed the door Sammy sat on the floor, JJ sat on the chair, Nate sat on my bed and my brother was just standing.

"I really can't believe that asshole" My brother said
"You know what we're having a party tomorrow we are going to turn the fuck up." Sammy said
"Yeah and Matt will be here by tomorrow morning." JJ said
"We will invite Kalina too."

I smiled at them and nodded.

"Okay stop being sad little sis" Jack said and hugged me

"Okay fine" I wiped my tears and smiled at him

"I'm going to go call some people. Plus it's late we should be sleeping so we get our energy up to turn up tomorrow." Sam said

The boys agreed and left except for Nate.

As the boys left I heard Sammy say "I call the couch Nate!"

Nate and I laughed He's shook his head, Nate got up and was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Nate can you stay here till I fall asleep?" I asked

"Yeah sure princess and I'll be here till you get up." He said and laid down next to me

Sammy peeped his head through the door and yelled "Really you get to share a bed with Jael and I get a couch!"

"Hey don't get to cozy with my sister!" Jack yelled from downstairs


I woke up to see Nate he had his arm around me. He looked so cute, I went on snapchat and I took a picture as the caption I put "He's such a cutie 😍"

I went on Twitter and there was so many posts about Dillon and Lily.

I tweeted

@JaelGilinsky63: Yup it's official I'm Single. 😏

Couple minutes later Matt and Sammy tweeted.

@TheMattEspinosa: Bout to be home babes to talk about this.
@sammywilk: Nobody Fucks around with my homie G 😂❤️

Couple minutes later Nate kept moving around so I just woke up Nate.

"Good Morning Princess" Nate said with a sleepy voice
"Morning Sleepyhead." I giggled

Nate hugged me and fell back asleep. I chuckled and got out of his grip. I went into the bathroom without locking it, I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a braid.

I looked into the mirror and said "Maybe it cause I'm not pretty enough like Lily."

"Or maybe it's cause Dillon is a big dumbass" I heard

I turned around quickly and hugged Matt. "Matt omg your back!"

"Yup still the one and only Matt Lee Espinosa." He said with a smile "Now let's get you dressed for the party later."

Well that was chapter 2. But anyways Okay let's just pretend Matt lives in Omaha And Dillon is out of the way now 😏.

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