Chapter 39

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(a/n: i'm a day late and i'm sorry cause I was originally supposed to post this yesterday which was mothers day. )


Today was Mother's Day and we were all going to my moms house. After we were going to Nate's moms house.

"Nate I swear to god if you don't change I'm going to fucking kill you!" I yelled

"Language babe!" He yelled as the kids giggled.

I rolled my eyes.

Once we were all done Jack was waiting outside for us.

"Y'all look like your going to a funeral" he said

I rolled my eyes at him. "Where's your child?" I said referring to Madison

Jack rolled his eyes and chuckled while started the car "she's with her mother"

Nate and I chuckled.


Jack knocked on the door of our parents house.

"Sweeties!" My mother squealed hugging my kids

"Mom you were supposed to hug your kids first" Jack said

She rolled her eyes "I've seen both of you for your whole lives"

We all laughed. Our dad hugged us all except Nate. After he heard that Nate cheated on me with Ana he didn't really approve of him anymore.

"Nate" my dad said

Nate nodded and waved. We all walked in and sat down on the couch. Nate handed flowers to my mother.

"Sweetie thank you" she said kissing his cheeks "now why don't we help grandma put these in a vase"

Aiden and Adeline cheered and followed her to the kitchen.

"So Nate are you actually in love with my daughter or are you going to cheat on her again?" My dad said crossing his arms

Jack coughed and started to go on his phone.

"I won't ever cheat on her again because I'm in love with her."

My dad sat up "or do you just love her cause she's the mother of your children?"

I slapped Jacks arm.

"Okay dad I've seen them and they're totally in love. Well at least I think Nate is cause Jael doesn't show it"

My dad sat back again as my mom came in "so let's eat?" She suggested

"Yes" I quickly said and got up

"How do you know your in love?" My dad asked

I sat back down. My kids sat next to me and looked at Nate.

"Cause she makes feel a type of way no girl ever could" he said and stood up "and I want to start over with her again"

He got on his knee and pulled out a ring. My dad quickly got up but my mother held him.

"Awwww aren't they just cute" she said

Aiden and Adeline cheered. Jack jumped up and down.

"I got it on video!" He yelled

My mom rolled her eyes "Jack relax your not a child anymore"

Nate looked at me. "So?"

I looked at Aiden and Adeline then back to him. "Yes"

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