Chapter 23

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Nate was leaving to his tour today with Derek. I really didn't trust Nate after all we have been through and I defiantly don't trust Derek with Nate.

"I love you" Nate kissed me and crouched down to my belly "Now you baby be good, ill be home soon" he said and kissed my belly

"I love you too Natey" I sighed. he hugged me and then got pushed by Derek

"My turn bitch!" he yelled and hugged me "I'll take good care of your fiancé"

I chuckled "If I hear any bad news happen to my fiancé.. I'll hurt your ass"

Derek chuckled "Ight I gotchu ma"


It was now Kalina and I. She kept biting her nail, this was her nervous habit. I also knew what she was stressing about.

"Kalina relax.. I'm sure he'll understand"

Kalina put her hand down and turned to me "You know what your right.. if he doesn't want the baby then I'll move on and move with you, the baby and Nate."

I shook my head "He will want the baby and it will love it to death.. Now lets go order food"



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