Chapter 16

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Everyone was out the house except for the Twins, I was watching a movie with Gray and Ethan. My phone did the titter notification sound. Couple seconds later the twins phone rang, I looked at it and a whole bunch of people were tagging me with a photo.

It was an old picture I took, with Dillon.

Most people tweeted "Bring Back #Jillin and it was on the trending tags

I put my shoes on and I got in my car.

DILLON'S HOUSE: I knocked on the door and Taylor answered.

"Hi Queen I haven't seen you in forever!" he said
"Hi Tay is Dillon home?" I asked
"Yeah he's upstairs"

I walked upstairs, I was about to knock on the door but he opened it.

"Jay your here!"
"We need to talk" I told him as I walked past him.

I walked inside his room and there was a picture of him and Jessie?

"You know her?" I asked
"She's my cousin"

"Oh well anyways You uploaded that picture!"
"What picture?" Dillon asked

I got out my phone and showed him.

"Ahh.. That picture. Yeah. I did upload Because I wanted to show the world your mine"
"Dill I'm not yours, I'm with Nate and I love him"

"C'mon Jay he punched you, hooked up with another girl. He did that twice"
"It was a long time ago Dillon!"

Dillon shook his head "And what I did was a long time ago, why can't you forgive me?"

"Cause I don't love you anymore" I said looking away

"Alright look at me and tell me that" He said

I looked at him directly "I dont- I umm.. Have to go" I told him and walked out

I got in my car but he got in the other side. "Jay please, I'm still in love with you. I can't live with out you anymore what I did was so wrong. Once I broke up with Lily you were the only one I wanted."
"Dill I can't right now. I'm with Nate!" I said and pushed him out

HOME: Everyone was sitting on the couch, I grabbed Grayson and Ethan. I walked upstairs to my room.

"Woah what happened?" Ethan asked

I paced around my room "Dillon happened"

I explained to Them what happened at Dillon's house.

"Jay do you still love him?" Ethan asked
"I uh no, well I don't think"
"Well I mean I get it he's some type cute" Grayson said

"Guys that's not important! I love Nate and I think I'm still in love with Dillon"

The door opened and it was The twins. "Jay uhh we heard all that" Matt said
"Wait you heard it from downstairs!"
"No we were ease dropping" Kalina said

I slapped my hand on my forehead and sat on my bed.
"Oh well come on in"

"So do you love him or like him?"
"I don't know" I responded

"Like or Love who?" Sam asked
"Nate!" We all yelled
"Uhh okayyyy..."


"Princess I'm going to a party with Everyone coming?" Nate asked
"Uhh no is Kalina going?"

He put on a hat and kissed my cheek. "No she's staying she said she's getting sick or something like that" he said

"Ohh okay we'll be careful" I said and kissed him

"And I'll be home like at 2 or 4 in the morning I love you" Nate said
"I love you too"

Matt and the Twins came in the room "Watch him" I told them

They nodded and hugged me.

I went to Kalina's room. "Hey bubbles why you so dressed up?" I asked

Kalina was wearing a red dress
"Hey blossom and cause Lily invited me to a party"
"Ohh okay well you look good" I said and left the room

LATER IN THE NIGHT: It was 1or 2 in the morning and no one was home, I was sitting in the living room watching Bates Motel. Then the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and it was Dillon. I closed it but he stopped it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"I need you back"
"Dillon I told already no" I said closing the door

He put his foot in the way again. "Jay I need to show you something" he said
"You have 5 minutes Rupp" I said inviting him in

"Okay I was at the party your boyfriend and your friends were and I took this" he said

He took out his phone showing me a picture of Nate and Jessie Kissing.!

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