Chapter 31

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Couple Weeks Later: Jael+

Nate and I have been in the hospital since yesterday. I started getting contractions last night. We decided not to tell anyone.

"The baby should be here by tomorrow night" the doctor said

I groaned "No. look sir I need this baby out by toni-"

Nate put his hand over my mouth "okay thanks doctor"

The doctor nodded and walked out. I looked at Nate and took his hand off.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek "relax princess."

"How am I supposed to relax when I'm starving!" I yelled "and this pain is ughhh!!"

Nate nodded "alright imma text the guys to get here and im going to go get you food." Before he walked out he looked back "and you stay right in the bed"

I rolled my eyes "where else am i supposed to go?"

When Jack arrived he sat down next to me.

"Johnson is coming in tonight with Dillon, and Madison um I'm not sure about her. Dads boarding a plane tomorrow morning" he said

I nodded and held onto my stomach. The pain was bad at this point.

Jack held my hand. "It's okay Jael just hang in there"

I began crying "please help me Jack. Please"

He hugged me and kissed my forehead "I wish I could Jay"

I woke up the next morning with Jack and Nate sleeping. Jacks head was on Nate's shoulder. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them.

"Guys" I whispered but nothing. "Guys!"

They both jumped and Nate looked at Jack.

"Bro you drooled on me" he said "why were you sleeping you were on watch of Jael"

"No I thought you were" he said and stayed quite "oh yeah I was"

I chuckled. The door opened and it was my dad.

"Hey sweetie" he said and hugged me
"Hi dad"

After a few hours all the boys got here. They were all sitting outside in the waiting room.

"Just a few more hours princess" Nate said kissing my cheek

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