Chapter 40

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I woke up and Nate wasn't next to me. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Mommy daddy made breakfast!" Adeline squealed

I picked her up and kissed her cheek. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Nate had four plates set down on the table. He was making pancakes.

"Now you will flip the pancake" I heard

He was watching a video on YouTube.

"Morning" he said and kissed my cheek

"You don't know how to make pancakes?" I chuckled

He shushed me and continued cooking. I sat down on the chair. Adeline went running to the living room where Aiden was playing with the puppy.

"Morning mommy" Aiden said waving at me

"Morning baby" I answered

"Bacon, pancakes, and eggs" Nate said as he served the food.

The kids came running and sat down eating.


After we finished eating the kids went off to their room to play with their toys. I was helping Nate clean up. He was washing the dishes. I looked at him. He turned around and gave me a small smile.

"Are you going to leave again?" I asked him "you always leave"

He shook his head "No not ever again. Jael I love you, loosing you and the kids was terrible for me. "

I nodded and hugged him.

"You know you guys are the world to me right ?" He asked

"Yeah I know"

sorry guys it was a boring chapter it'll get better. i honestly can't believe there's only 10 more chapters left !

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