Chapter 29

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*Ya are really going to hate me for this. If you guys cry I'm so sorry. I literally cried as I wrote this. *

8 Months Later: Jael+

Nate, Sam, Kalina and Me were all on the couch. Nate had his hand on my stomach. I was already 8 months pregnant while Kalina was already 9. She was babbling about a movie when she suddenly stopped.

"Kalina please tell me that you peed yourself" Sam said

She shook her head "my water broke"

Sam quickly got up. "Oh god I have oh my god"

"Sam you take her to the hospital and we'll get the clothes and stuff for the baby"

Sam nodded and helped Kalina up but she started walking upstairs.

"I have to go shower!" She yelled before Sam finished his sentence

Sam shook his head and grabbed her hand "let's go there's no time!"

When we got to the hospital most of the guys were there. Johnson, Jack, Madison, Dillon, Tez, Swazz, and Taylor.

Nate and I had texted some of the guys we talked to about Kalina giving Birth. They all had some type of gift.

"Anything?" Nate asked Johnson

Jack shook his head "Not yet"


"I'm sorry. I'll give you some time" the doctor said and he was about to leave the room when Sam stopped him and whispered something to him.

Once the doctor left I began crying and Sam laid down next to me as I cried. He began crying too.

"She was fine yesterday Sam" I cried into his chest "this is all my fault"

"No it isn't baby. It wasn't your fault"


The doctor came out and we all stood up.

"Sam will come out in a second" he said and continued walking

Madison and Jack got up "well we need coffee"

The rest of the boys got up "and we gotta pee"

Few minutes later Sam came out crying. Nate and I quickly stood up.

"Kalina wants to see you Jael" he sobbed

I looked at him "Sammy what's wrong?"


After Jael left to see Kalina. I turned to Sam.

"They don't know what caused it?" I asked Sam.

His eyes were so puffy and red.

He shook his head and began to cry more. I hugged him tightly.

"Did you see her?" I asked him quietly

He nodded "yeah they let me see her and they let me hold her and Kalina after. I held her in my arms."

My eyes began to water "I'm so sorry Sammy. I'm so sorry"

He backed away from me and laid on the wall. He slid down and began to cry more. He had his hands covering his face. I bent down quickly to him and hugged him.

The boys came in and saw Sammy crying. They looked at me. Sam pulled away from the hug and got up. He looked at them then looked at me and nodded.

I turned to the boys "The baby passed away"


I walked into the room and Kalina was laying there emotionless. She scooted over and I laid down next to her.

"I lost the baby" she sobbed

I hugged her and began crying. She continued to cry harder and I hugged her tighter "I'm so sorry Kalina."

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