Chapter 1

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It was 3 in the afternoon and everybody was busy. My brother was with his girlfriend Madison, Johnson was at the studio with Sam and Nate, and Matt was in Florida for a tour.

I wanted to go to the movies with Dillon but he was at the studio with Taylor. So I was stuck at home all alone I decided to go to the mall by myself. I put on a black crop top with some shorts and I put on some eyeliner and mascara.

Once I got to the mall I went into Hot Topic and saw a short dress that was black. I had a gold necklace that would look really cute with it. I looked at the price and it was $70 it was really expensive but I bought it anyways.

I went into a couple more stores. When I was about to leave I heard my name I turned around and it was a girl. She looked about the same age as me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was really pretty I knew her from somewhere though but I couldn't remember.

She came up to me and smiled. "Hi my name is Kalina King. I'm a big fan, I loved the song you made with The Jacks Wrong One." She said and hugged me

"Hey Kalina and thanks so much that means a lot." I said smiling her and hugged her back

"I see your here by yourself"

"Yeah all the boys are busy" I answered

"Ohh so what are you doing after this?"

"Go home and watch movies I guess how bout you?"

"Nothing" she said

"Hmm well I better get going can I have your number so we can hangout sometime ?" I asked her

"Yeah it's (random number)" she said
"Okay well I'll text you later" I said and hugged her and left

At Home: I ran upstairs and went inside my room I put my bags down and put my new clothes in the drawer. I started thinking about Kalina and then it hit me.

I yelled "Kalina is Instagram famous duh I'm in idiot!" I then put on a weird face and thought "Damn Sam is right I'm weird" I laughed to myself. I texted Kalina, I really liked her she was sweet.

To Kalina🤘🏼: Hey it's Jael
From Kalina🤘🏼: Hey J!

We texted almost for 3 hours. I found out Her birthday was on the 12 of December and mine was the 10. I also found out that she had a big crush on Sam I defiantly ship them.

I heard the door open and close and then I heard footsteps and then there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled

It was Johnson with Nate and Sam.

"Hey daddy's here!" Sam said laughing
"Hey guys" I laughed and got up from my bed to hug them

"Aye" Nate and JJ said

Sammy jumped on the bed, Nate sat on the floor, and JJ on the chair.

"Who are you texting?" Sam asked grabbing my phone

"My new best friend Kalina" trying to snatch it back

"Damn I thought I was your best friend." He said laughing

"Actually Matts my best friend but your my second" I answered back and laughed

"Damnn you have been flamed!" JJ said as him and Nate got up.

"You Just got Flamed! F-L-A-M-E-D!!" They laughed and sat back down. I laughed and Sam rolled his eyes.

Sam looked at my phone and saw a picture of her. "Damn can I get them digits!" He said basically drooling

JJ and Nate also looked they were also drooling well Except Nate. I took my phone back "No you can't" I told Sam

"What why not ?!" Sam argued

"Cause Jael is giving me her number" JJ answered and winked at me

I rolled my eyes "Okay first Sam your a fuckboy not to be rude but your not loyal. JJ she won't be interested cause she likes... Sammy sorry Johnson" I said

"Damn you just F-L-A-M-E-D Johnson!! You see she likes me! Please give me her number!" He said on his knees

"Fine calm down but I swear if you guys date you better be loyal cause I swear I will fucking kill you if you hurt her!" I said

"And I'll help you!" Nate said laughing

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