Chapter 4

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It has been two days since Nate asked me out but I still haven't gave him an answer. He hasn't called me or text me, he hasn't even came to the house.

I mean maybe he's trying to avoid me or something. Kalina was coming over to hang out. A couple minutes past and I heard a knock on the door I thought it was Kalina but it was Nate.

"Hey Jael" Nate nervously
"Umm.. Hi Nate"
"Sorry I haven't been around I just- well something came up and I umm I can't exactly date you" he said
"Great" I said and slammed the door on his face.

NATE'S POV: Flashback

"So did you ask her out?" Sam asked
"Yeah but you came and she didn't answer" I answered

Jack G came walking in "Damn bro who did you ask out?" He asked

"He asked out your sister"

"Woah bro no. My sister is off limits for all of you. Well except JJ cause he won't hurt her."

"Really bro I mean come on Im loyal and I would never hurt her." I said

"No you will tell her that you made a mistake" Jack said

End of Flashback:

I was really upset that I couldn't be with Jael I honestly did love her, I would never hurt her. I walked downstairs to Sammy.

"How did it go bro" Sam said
"Well she slammed the door in my face, So Great" I said
"Damn bro sorry"

Jaels POV:

Wow he didn't want to be with me. I really can't stand boys sometimes. I heard a knock on the door and it was Kalina.

"Hey bubbles" I said sadly
"What's wrong?"

I told her the story about Nate.

"Awww blossom hold on let me call Sam" she said She opened the door and yelled "SAM GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS!"

"What's up babe" Sam told Kalina
"What's up with Nate?"

He told us the whole story about Jack telling Nate to not ask me out.

I stormed out of the room and Sam and Kalina walked downstairs. I knocked on my brothers door. Couple seconds later he opened the door. "Jack what the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled

"What are you talking about?" He said

"About Nate"

"I don't want you to be with him."
"That's not your decision it's mine!"
"I get it your mad but I will not allow it!" He yelled

I grabbed his arm and went downstairs.

Once we got downstairs, I let go of Jack and I went up to Nate and kissed him. It took him a few seconds to react but he kissed back.

"Jael he's 19 your 17 that's illegal you can't date him!" Jack yelled
"Jack Madison is 16 and your 18! That's illegal too!" I yelled "In fact even worse"

"Ugh.. That doesn't count we are actually in love. I mean Nate hooked up with a girl last night, and he supposedly loves you."

I looked at Nate. "Is that true ?" I said
"Umm.. She didn't mean anything" he said

I walked out and slammed the door. I got in my car and went to the guy who always has the best parties, Dillon


I knocked on the door and Taylor answered.

"Well look who's here the queen of the parties." Taylor said

"Hey Taylor if my brother calls or text you I'm not with you." I said walking in.

I saw Dillon and walked to him "Hey Jael I'm sorry about the whole situation with Lily" he said

"It's fine"

"I've missed you" Dillon said and kissed me and it became a make out session. He picked me up and took me to his room.

{They didn't have sex. They just had a longer make out session}


I woke up next to Dillon, he had his arm around me. I checked my phone and there were 123 messages from Sam, Nate, Kalina, and Jack

From Skathan 😍: Princess I'm sorry come back.
From Jack Jack 👽: Jay where are you?
From Wilkinson 😋💗: Get your ass home. Jack is going insane.
From Bubbles💕: Are you okay?

I only texted Kalina
To Bubbles💕: Yeah I'm fine I'm at a friends house.
From bubbles💕: Okay come home soon.

I looked on Twitter and there were so many posts of Dillon and I, we were kissing. There were a couple fan pages on us. So many comments that we should get back together. There were some hate comments but everyone like Dillon and me.

Everybody tweeted on us
@sammywilk: That's cute 😂 @DillonRupp @JaelGilinsky23

@JackGilinsky: They aren't Dating! 😡
@JackJackJohnson: Why can't I get my chance. @DillonRupp @JaelGilinsky23

Dillon started to wake up. "Morning babe" he said

His morning voice was sexy af, it made me melt on the inside.

"Morning" I said and smiled at him "Did you see Twitter "

"Yup we are everywhere " He chuckled "I love you" he said
"I love you too Dillon"

Okay you guys are probably going to kill me 😂😂.

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