Chapter 14

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I was sitting in the tour bus waiting for Nate and Sam, We were currently on tour.

I was on FaceTime with Kalina
"Omg Blossom.. I miss you!"
I rolled my eyes "It's been only 4 days"
"Well whatever I miss you" Kalina said laughing
"Well I Miss you too" I laughed

I heard shuffling and then I soon say the twins face.
"Hi Triplet!!" Ethan and Grayson said
"Is that Jae- Hey Jael!!" Matt said.

Last month Matt moved in with us.

"Hey guys!" I said and smiled at the camera. Nate and Sam came in the bus and Sammy came over.

"Hey baby" Sam said to Kalina
"Sammy I miss you!" Kalina said
Sammy ended up taking my phone.

"You got my cookies?" I asked Nate looking through the bag
"Yeah they're in there" Nate said and kissed my cheek "what's up with your obsession with cookies?"
"Uhhh there good"

Nate followed me and sat next to me. We listened to Sam and Kalina's Conversation

"I love you my bunny rabbit"
"I love you too my ducky" Sammy said

Nate and I started laughing, Sammy came in and sat in the other side.

Nate and me looked at each other. "I love you bunny rabbit" I said to Nate
"I love you too my ducky" Nate said

"Shut up guys" He laughed giving my phone back

"Okay guys we are in New York!" The bus driver said "only couple minutes till we get to Times Square"

ON STAGE: We had 5 more hours till the show starts. We were doing Meet and Greets.

"Hey Jael, my name is Jessie. I love you so much!" The girl said
"Hey Jessie I love you too!" I said hugging her

"You and Nate are so cute together! I wanted to talk to him but he gets me nervous"
"Awww thanks. Nate come here!" I called him

Nate came over and hugged the girl.
"This is Jessie" I told Nate
"Hey Jessie!"
"I told Jael you and her are perfect for each other" Jessie said
"Thanks I love Jael a lot" Nate said kissing my forehead
"He can be a pig sometimes but I love him too"

Some girls said "Awww" and "That's Cute!"
"Well I better get back" Nate hugged Jessie

Nate kissed all over my face like for 2 minutes

"Nate stop!" I laughed and pushed Him Playfully

"Alright well bye Jael I love you" Jessie said
"I love you so much!" I hugged Jessie

1 HOUR LATER: We were doing the VIP.
"Next!" The guard said

I was talking to Sam.

"Hey Jay, it's nice to see you again"
I turned around and it was Dillon

"Uhhh Hey Dillon"

A few months ago, Dillon kissed me and Nate told me to stop talking to him.

"It's so nice to see you. So how's your tour going?"
"It's good"

"Well I was wondering if we can maybe go ou-" Dillon said but got cut off
"I'm guessing you haven't heard about Jael and I still being together" Nate said hugging me
"Oh don't worry I did hear about it"
"Alright look Dude get out!" Sam Said

Dillon chuckled "C'mon Sam you and me were best buds"
"Yeah before not anymore"

"I don't want you near Jael understood" Nate told Dillon
"Well text me sometime" Dillon winked at me and left.

I hugged Nate as Dillon left.
"You okay?" Nate sacked me
I nodded and pecked his lips.

"What's up guys!" We yelled

The whole crowd yelled.
"So we are starting off with Wassup" I said

Nate: Lookin' for a girl that I can take around So, wassup? Wassup, babe?
Nate said while putting his arm around me and winked at me.

The whole crowd screamed, I started blushing.

Sam: So me and Skate are gonna keep on grindin' till we go far So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy this Cuz now it's time to live life to things as we know this

Me: All about the time and the work Never finish second, always finish first Better pay attention, better stay alert This is how we do it.

END OF SHOW: We were walking to the hotel we were staying in. We got a room with 2 king beds, One for me and Nate, and the other for Sam.

"Princess!" I heard Nate yell
"Yeah?" I heard Sammy answer

I walked in the room "Shut up Sam!" I said laughing and walked to Nate

"Come cuddle"

Sam raced to Nate a hugged him.

"Not you!" Nate said pushing Sam off the bed

I laughed and hugged Nate.
"Fine I'll go hug my pillow" Sam said laughing walking to his bed.


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