Chapter 18

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I was laying on the couch in the dark, because the lights were still out. Nate was asleep in his room and Dillon was in the bathroom.

I heard the door open and it was the Twins and Matt. "We almost died!" Ethan yelled

"We have candles" Matt said as he opened the package of candles

Dillon came walking down the steps. "Matt hey! I haven't seem you in awhile."

"Ohh Uhhh.. Hey Dillon!"

I awkwardly looked at both the twins and Matt "Dill this is Grayson and Ethan" I said
"Hey" they said to each other

Nate came walking down. "Bro what happened? My head hurts like hell"
"You got drunk and High"
"Oh and Dillon can I talk to you upstairs?" Nate asked

NATES POV: I walked upstairs with Dillon.

"Look bro I get you like Jael, so if you ever ask her out and she says yes, I want you to treat her right. I don't give a fuck if you have problems and can't date her but I swear if you break her heart I will break you. Cause Jay... she's a very special girl, she could get annoying sometimes but she's special" I told him

I was serious Jael is everything to me. I love her.

Dillon nodded "thanks bro I will treat her right I love her"

The thought of me not being able to call her mine and someone else loving her broke me.

I walked back downstairs and asked Jael if we could talk, She nodded and walked upstairs into her room.

"Look Jay I know you won't forgive me soon but I get your still mad at me. But Jael I love you, I hurt you all the time so if you end up with Dillon I'll support you, I'll hate it so much but I'll support you. Just know that I love you and I always will. But I guess if I love you... I should let you go." I said tearing up and walking out.

DILLON'S POV: I walked into Jael's room.

"Jay will you go out with me?" I asked

I realized she was crying.
"Jay are you okay?" I asked
"I'm fine" She said and I wiped her tears

"Jael you should go to him."
"But he h-"
"Jay he's basically like your soulmate, and you love him. I could see it in your eyes the way you look at him, the way you laughed with him. And when I see you looking at me it isn't the same. When I was at the tour, I saw the bond with you guys... Your going to love that kid for a very long time" I said

She smiled at me and wiped her tears. "Your right Dill" She kissed my cheek and ran downstairs to Nate.


I went downstairs and Nate was on the couch crying, I grabbed his hand and made him stand up. I kissed him.

"Shut it. Nate I know that in the back of my mind that life would be so easier if I never talked to you again, if I shut you out of my life and moved on, I could finally move on. But your the only person that can make me happy, Nate I love you so much"

Nate smiled and kissed me.

"Jay I'm sorry for what I did and I love you so much, guys record this" Nate said to Matt and the twins

They took out their phones and Nate bent down on his knees.
"I talked to your brother and he gave me his blessings So Jael....."

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