Chapter 33

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Four years later: Jael+

It was Christmas Eve today.

"Babe can you get Aiden ready!" I yelled as I put a bow on Adeline.

"Yeah in a minute!" Nate yelled from the living room

I carried Adeline and put her on the floor. I went into the living room and Nate was playing video games and Aiden was watching.

"Nate cmon get ready. The guys will be here soon"

I carried Aiden and brought him to the room. I put his clothes on and put him a hat on.

"Nate lets go!" I yelled

"Alright women im going!"

I rolled my eyes and Aiden giggled.

"Okay baby go find Adeline" I said and placed him on the floor. He ran out the door.

I sighed and finished getting ready. When I walked into the living room Nate was sleeping.

"Nate get up!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him

I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned and opened it. Sam came in with his new girlfriend Stassie. Kalina and Sam had called off the wedding and she moved back to Omaha. She called me last year saying she had a boyfriend and they were trying to have kids. Nate and I had finally moved to Los Angles.

"Heyy Jael!" Stassie squealed
"Stassie!" I immediately hugged her.

I turned to Sam and hugged him.
"Hi homie G"

As Stassie walked off Sam turned to me. "Did you invite Kalina?"
I nodded "Yeahh she said she'll think about coming"

He nodded and we walked in. Before I closed the door Derek came in with Miracle and there little girl, Rosalie

"Hi Miracle!" I hugged her and she hugged back.

"Hello to you too Jael" Derek said and walked in.

I chuckled and hugged him. We all went into the living room and Nate was there in sweatpants and a shirt.

"Adeline! Aiden!" I yelled

They came running down the steps. They both squealed and hugged everyone.

"Hello mini Jael" Derek said and hugged Adeline.

"Yo guys open the door!" I heard

Nate rushed to the door and opened it. The twins were there.

I ran to them and hugged them.

"Awww Jael we missed you too!" Ethan said
"Well Ethan missed you more"

I chuckled at let them go.

"Aiden look Uncle Ethan and uncle Grayson is here!" Adeline yelled and clapped her hands

The boys all sat down on the couch as the kids went upstairs to play. Stassie, Miracle and me went to the kitchen.

"So when's the wedding?" Miracle asked me
"Uhh well I don't think we're getting married anytime soon" I answered
"Why not?" Stassie asked

I thought about it for a few seconds "Well Nate's going on tour in two months and he's staying on tour for four months."

The both sighed and I heard the doorbell. I got up and opened it Dillon, Tez, Swazz, the Jacks, and Kalina was next to a boy.

I greeted them all and Jack came in with one bag. "Where is my Nephew and Niece."

Adeline and Aiden came down running and jumped on Jack. Johnson came in with a whole bunch of bags

"Uncle Johnson has gifts!"

The kids automatically got off Jack and hugged Johnson. Kalina stood there with her boyfriend. I noticed her belly was big.

"Kalina are you pregnant?" Sam asked as he came in the hallway

"Umm yeah. This is my boyfriend Jackson" she answered

I hugged her "congratulations Kalina!"

Sam nodded "Congratulations" and walked away.

Ethan came out of the kitchen "The foods ready!"

They all sat on the chairs. I looked around and Nate wasn't there. I went upstairs and Nate was on the phone.

"Ana I can't talk right now I'm with my family. Your serious?" He stayed quite and ran a hand through his hair "How Though we used protection? Ana you don't get it I have a fiancé and kids!"

I went into the bathroom and slid to the floor. I thought Nate would never cheat on me again. I heard a knock.

"Mommy we're going to eat now" I heard Aiden

I opened the door and wiped my tears. "Okay come on"

As we all sat on the table Nate smiled when he saw me. I sat next to him and he held my hand but I pulled away.

"Alright guys lets dig in!" Derek yelled

We all began eating.

guys my birthday is on the tenth!

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