Chapter 35

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Few Weeks Later: Jael+

Today was Nate's birthday. Nate and I aren't really together at the moment. There were rumors about him already dating Ana.

"Cmon Jael it's not going to be awkward" Stassie said as she put her makeup on

"Stassie he has a new girlfriend"

She turned to me "alright I guess it's a bit awkward." She sat next to me "Take Dillon"

I thought about it "he has a girlfriend"

She groaned and Sam came walking in. He pecked her lips.

"Baby convince Jael to come"

Sammy looked at me with a big smile. I rolled my eyes as he sat next to me and hugged me.

"I got you a date"

I rolled my eyes "who?"

"Yo Johnson!" Sam called

Johnson came in with roses. I smiled at him and turned to Sam.

"Imma kill you tomorrow" I told him and got up

I walked to Johnson and hugged him. I grabbed the flowers "thanks jack"

Jack was always like a brother to me. He supported me though everything. I felt bad when he asked me out a few years back and I rejected him.

"What about the kids?" I asked Sam

"Thats where we come in" The twins said

I hugged Ethan and Gray "thanks guys"


I walked out the car quickly with Johnson holding my hand. I had spent twenty minutes in the car with Sam, Stassie, Nate, Ana, and Jack.

When we walked it everyone sang Happy Birthday to Nate. I stood there awkwardly as Ana walked to me.

"Jael I really don't want any of this to be awkward for us. I really like you"

I nodded "no it's fine your a good person for Nate."

Stassie came running in "cmon guys let's take a picture!"

Stassie came running in "cmon guys let's take a picture!"

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I was right next to Stassie and Sam. Johnson awkwardly put his arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes and slid down his hand to my butt.


I stuck my tongue out and Johnson was looking at me. The picture was pretty cute.

"Alrighty I'm getting drinks" Ana said

"Ooh I'm coming" stassie said

I sat there with the boys. Nate turned to me and quickly began talking.

"So uh Jael I've been thinking and I know you gotta think about it but I'm sure you'll agree." He began "I think I should be able to have the kids and maybe you can have them for the weekends?"

I put my hand in a fist. "You having custody?"

He nodded. I shook my head.

"It's not happening"

Ana and Stassie came back and handed us all shots.

"It's for the best Jael think about all the responsibility"

I felt like my blood was boiling at this point. "Responsibility? How bout you take responsibility on the shit you do! You smoke, your always out clubbing, you cheated on me again Nate, you got a girl pregnant!" I pointed towards Ana "so you take responsibility on what the fuck you do! Cause I didn't do Shit to you Nate!"

He pulled me aside "listen Ja-"

I shook my head pushing him away "all I ever did was love you. That all I did" I looked at everyone "I'm leaving"

Jack quickly stood up "I'll call an under and take you home"

I nodded. Stassie pulled me to aside

"Jael what are you doing? It Nate's birthday don't stress him or Ana and the baby"

"Don't argue with me stassie! She shouldn't even be drinking and look at her" she turned to Ana and she was taking a shot "Why'd you even bring me Stassie!

She put her hands on my shoulders "okay calm down Jael"

Johnson came in "they ride is here"

I shrugged her hands off and grabbed Jacks hand.

When we got into the car it was mostly silent.

"You okay?" He asked

I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his head fall onto mine.


When I opened the door to the house I saw Grayson and Ethan sleeping on the floor and my kids on the couch.

"You want anything to eat or drink?" I asked Jack

He shook his head. "I think imma go no-"

"No. Please stay"

He nodded.

"You can go upstairs to my room"

He gave me a small hug and went upstairs.

I put a blanket over Grayson and Ethan. I put another blanket over Aiden and Adeline.

"Mommy?" I heard

Adeline was rubbing her eyes. "Can I sleep with you?"

I nodded and carried her.

"Me too mommy?" Aiden said quickly getting up

"Yeah cmon. Uncle Jack is sleeping here tonight"

We walked upstairs and Jack was sitting on the bed on his phone. When he looked up he smiled at us.

"Uncle Jack!" Adeline and Aiden cheered

I smiled as they ran to him. I went into the bathroom and took all my makeup off. I changed into some pink pajamas. Once I got out the kids were sleeping.

"They fall asleep quick" jack chuckled

"They do"

I walked to the bed and laid next to Jack. He put his arm around me.

"I like your pajamas" he chuckled

I hit his chest playfully and chuckled. Then I laid my head on his chest and felt my eyes closing slowly.

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