Chapter 19

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"Jael Gilinsky will you-" Nate started until Sammy, Kalina and the Jacks came in.

"Oh is it happening?" Sam asked 
"Yes!" Nate yelled and got up

"Okay wait! Ya'll better pull out the other phones too" Sam said and turned to Kalina

Nate got on his knee again
"Jael Gilinsky will you marry me?" Nate asked

"Wait hold on!" I said and ran upstairs to the bathroom and I felt like I needed to throw up and Kalina followed me

"Blossom are you okay?" Kalina asked

"We may have a problem, Im late on my period" I said worried

I walked back downstairs and Kalina gave me a look. "Okay start over Nate!" Kalina yelled

Nate got on his knee again. "For the third time" Nate mumbled "Jael Gilinsky will you marry me?"
"Omg yes!" I said and kissed him

Jack sniffled.

"Jack are you crying?" I asked

"What no! I got dust in my eyes" Jack wiped his eyes "How are you all grown now?" Jack hugged me "Ugh my sister will be getting married before me" he wined

Sam also got on his knees. "Kalina Rylan King will you marry me?" Sam asked
"Sammy!" She yelled and threw a control at him.
"Ow Kalina! Is that a no?" Sam asked rubbing his head
"Yes you idiot!" Kalina said and kissed him.

We all laughed and It stopped raining and the Sun was out.

Kalina and I hugged and talked about our ring for an hour.

"Okay can I have my girl back" Sam asked me
"Yes you can" I giggled

"Did you like the ring?" Nate asked
"Yeah I loved it" I said and giving him a kiss

"Guys we need to talk!" Jack said and We all sat on the couches.

"Jack and I think that it's time for us to move out" JJ said

"What why!" Sam yelled

"Cause look ya'll going to be married soon and we going to be on tour a lot." Jack said

"Alright then maybe we should get a house together" Sam told Kalina

"Yeah us too princess" Nate told me
I nodded

"Well I think Ethan and I will be moving back to Jersey" Grayson said
"And I will move back to Los Angeles" Matt added

"What no!" I whined
"I mean we are 15, we can't get a house yet"
"I kinda miss my family" Matt said

I nodded
"So we all have a month to get out of this place." JJ said

A DAY BEFORE MOVING OUT: Nate and I told the fans about the proposal and everyone supported us. There were a few who didn't and said we were too young.

Matt has already moved back to L.A and he said he will try to visit us whenever he can.

"C'mon guys I'm going to kill you if we don't make it on time!" I said

We were going to see the house that Nate and I bought. I wanted the twins to come this time.

"I don't get why we have to go, we have to get in the plane soon" Ethan yelled


"This house is awesome and has master bedrooms!" Ethan yelled as Gray was running around like a kid

"Should we tell them?" Nate said and I nodded

"You guys wanna see your room?" Nate asked
"What room we are moving back to new jer-" Ethan said but Gray nudged him
"Wait are you letting us move in!" Gray yelled

We nodded
"Yes!" Gray and Ethan high fived each other and hugged us

"Ya'll got a lot of unloading to do" Nate said
"But um you guys will have to share a room" I said

"Why there's two room?" Nate said
"Well we need to talk about that"
"Well whatever it is it's fine cause I mean we get to live with our best friend!" Gray said


We all walked into the house.

"Okay guess what!" Kalina squealed and hugged me
"We got a house right next to yours!" Sam yelled and high fived Nate
"I wanted to say it" Kalina whined and pouted.

I ran into the bathroom and closed the door and I began to throw up again.

Nate walked in. "Whoa princess are you okay?" He said pulling my hair back

"Nate we have to talk" I told him

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