Chapter 7

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It was 8:30 pm and I was at Kalinas house sleeping over, Kalina let me stay at her house just until I found a house.

Kalina was texting Sammy. I think this is Sammy's longest relationship I mean it's been 3 weeks. Nate and I aren't dating yet. He hasn't made anything official yet.

Couple minutes later Kalina had an idea.

"Omg wouldn't it be fun if Sam, Me ,You and Nate get a house together!" Kalina said and I nodded "What's up with you and Nate are you guys dating or?" Kalina asked

"I guess we are just friends I mean we barely talk." I said "Anyways how bout you and Sammy Have you guys had sex yet?" I said laughing

"What No! I am a holy child" Kalina said hitting my arm laughing

I laughed at her and laid on my bed. Few seconds later Kalina jumped on me. "Kalina!" I laughed
"You looked comfortable!" She said laughing

I pushed her off me and she fell off the bed. "OMG Kalina I'm sorry!" I said laughing

"I don't think I'll make it... Tell Sam that i love his... Dimples.." Kalina said and pretended to be dead

"Omg Kalina you are the worst actor ever!" I said laughing

"Why do you think I'm not famous yet?" She said laughing "unlike you, your a singer!" She said

"Whatever one day Were making a song together" I said

It was now 9 and we decided to get pizza. "Kalina remember that night we got really drunk and got fake ID's?" I said "I feel like going to a club" I said

"How bout we go to a party instead?" She suggested
"Fine I know someone who makes the best parties!"
"Me too Dillon!!" She said

We got dressed I put on a red dress and Kalina put on the same dress but in white. It honestly looked like we had big boobs it was really weird.


When we got there I knocked and Dillon opened.

"Hey Jay!" Dillon said hugging me
"Hey Dillon" I said hugging him back

We walked inside and most of the people there we drunk. A couple minutes later I saw Nate with some girl making out, and right next to him was Sammy also making out with another girl.

Kalina started tearing and I rolled my eyes. Nate saw me and nudged Sam, Sam ran over to Kalina.

"Baby it's not what it looks like!" Sam said

"Really cause it looked like you were sticking your tongue down that girls throat!" She said and slapped Sam and she left to the car.

"Jay I'll be in the car" she said and i nodded

Nate walked up to me too. "Look Jay I know you just saw that but she didn't mean anything" he said

"Just like the other girl didn't mean anything right?" I said I turned around walking away but Nate grabbed my wrist

"Ow! your hurting me!"
"Princess please!" He said grabbing my wrist tighter

"Nate stop your hurting me" I said
Dillon came up out of nowhere and punched Nate, I ran out and got in the car.

"You okay blossom?" Kalina said
"Nate grabbed my wrist and it looks like I'm going to have a Bruise."

"Are you okay?" I asked
"Well my boyfriend cheated on me so no." She said tearing

"So the club?" I asked
"Yup" she said


"Okay let's hope we don't get arrested" I said getting out of the car
"Let's not worry about it lets have fun" Kalina said

We gave the security guy our fake ID's and he took it and let us in
"You see easy" Kalina said

We got in the club and everyone was dancing and drinking. Kalina and I sat on the bench and asked for tequila shots. It was $15 for each shot but whatever we had $300.

Later on we got really drunk some guys were talking to us and I guess there girlfriends came and slapped us both. I threw a drink at the girl and we all got into a fight. Later the security came and looked at our ID again.

"These are fake ID's" said the security to the other
"Shit!" Kalina and I mumbled


"Jael Gilinsky and Kalina Rylan King?" A cop said "Today's your lucky day these gentlemen bailed you out" the cop said pointing at Nate and Sammy.

"Great" Kalina and I said

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