Four - Girl Power

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A/N: Shoutout to Gisellie16 for commenting on the last chapter about my updates..surprise! ;)

It was finally time for me to attend school. As much as I loved the thought of starting school at Watermont High, I was a little nervous. So nervous that I took waaaay too long to get ready. Girls, right?

After bickering with Finn about how long it took for me to get dressed into my clothes for around twenty minutes, we made it to school. Upon arrival, he bolted away from me, as if I were some kind of disease that he didn't want to contract. I guess it wasn't that bad, I would rather be alone exploring the massive campus than awkwardly walking around with the alleged popular boy whom I was staying with.

I managed to find my way to the auditorium, where the students were supposed to assemble for the year, following the signs as if I were a pimply high school freshman. I spotted Vienna and Tori seated in the middle rows of seats, who were waving at me frantically.

"Hey, Sophia! Over here!" Tori waved. I walked over and sat down next to them.

"OH MY GOD SOPH I'VE MISSED YOU!" Vienna said dramatically as she pulled me into a tight hug.

I patted her back amusedly. "It's only been one night, Vi. Chill."

Tori searched the auditorium suspiciously. "Where's Finn? I was almost certain he was assigned as your 'Welcome to Watermont High' partner."

"I thought Zeke was my partner." I said confusedly.

She chuckled, "He's in the year below us, he's not allowed to be one. He didn't tell you that?" I shook my head. Thank god. "So, where is Finn?"

I shrugged in response. "Hell if I know, he bolted the minute we walked on campus!"

Tori rolled her eyes, tossing her honey blonde hair. "Ugh, that's so typical of him. Inflated ego and a big snob." You could tell she nurtured quite a distaste for the godlike Finn Callahan.

Vienna grinned in triumph. "At least it makes my living situation sound better than yours. He sounds horrible."

"It's liveable, I guess. His mother's nice." I muttered, smoothing the creases on my skirt. Finn Callahan was not at all who I thought he was. Sometimes I think that I only like the idea of him, rather than him himself, but then he shoots that glittering smile my way...and I just melt.

Our conversation was interrupted by an announcement over the PA system, informing us that our timetables were now ready to be collected at the administration office. Upon inspection, I discovered I was in Class S2, the same as Vienna. Unfortunately, Tori was in S1, the same as Finn.

"Be thankful you don't have to put up with Finn in the daytime." Tori huffed in distaste.

"He's an idiot." I remarked.

"A very popular, attractive and smart idiot." Vienna corrected, winking. "Tori's told me all about him."

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