Twenty Two - A Promised Date

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"Theo! MY BABY!" Ashley burst into the doorway, hair flying everywhere, Steven in tow. She ran over next to Theo's bed and sobbed in his arms. He had woken up only moments ago and was still getting used to the clinical, sterile surroundings, feeling incredibly dazed and tired. "Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, mom." Theo muffled into their hug. "Stop squishing me."

She released her arms from him and stood up. "Sorry for not getting here earlier - the tyres went flat! Did anyone cry? How are you all?"

Theo moaned. "The only one crying here is you, mom." I giggled. Trust Ashley to go into mom-zilla mode.

"Whatever," she said, brushing dust off her sundress. She turned to bark at her eldest son. "FINN! Go get him something to eat!"

"I'm fine, mom, I-" Theo cut in.

She turned to her husband. "Steven! Get flowers. Now!"

"But mom, I-"

She turned to me. "Sophia, go get the doctors! My baby is in pain!"

"MOM! I'm not in pain!" Theo yelled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

She raised her hands in surrender and I chuckled. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I excused myself outside to take the call.

"Hey, Soph! What's up? Can't wait to see you tonight!" Austin chirped through the phone. It was nice to hear from him again.

My face fell. "Oh yeah, about that..." I faltered. What was I supposed to tell him? That I was staying with the family of the guy I used to crush on? " had an asthma attack...and I'm in the hospital I'm gonna have to bail on you tonight. Sorry..."

"No, no, It's alright, I totally understand." He interrupted. "I wish them the best and hope they get well soon."

This was what I really liked about Austin. He was always so considerate, kind and sympathetic towards people in tough times. Even if I did have to skirt around the truth, I still admired his good nature. Unlike Finn, on the other hand, who only cares for about, four other people - his parents, brother and ugh, probably Rosie.

"Same," I replied. "Thanks so much for understanding, we'll go out some other time?"

"Sure thing, see ya later, Soph!"


The weekend flew by and it was time to go back to college. Theo stayed under close observation for the weekend, which meant Finn and I had to go back to the campus.

I told Tori and Vienna what happened and they understood, and they didn't pry.

Monday afternoon came, and we had all retreated to the library to hang out. As nerdy as it was, it became our meeting spot away from the apartment. I saw Finn near the encyclopaedias studying something with Rosie, sitting directly across from us.

That girl is ALWAYS with him!

"What did you think of that exam?" Vienna asked.

Tori shook her head. "I think I'll at least pass, but there's no guarantee I'll get a spectacular grade..."

I scoffed. "That's a lie. You'll get an A." I pointed to Vienna. "You'll get an A, and I'll get an A. We'll all get A's!"

Tori cackled. "Ah Sophia. Ever the optimist."

Vienna sighed. "Look at us guys - we're college students passing classes and actually caring about our work, time has seriously flown by!"

We reminisced about the good times we spent together here at college. The hot gossip, the late nights and the cram sessions all got me thinking. What did I really want to do in the future?

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