Eleven - The Meaning Behind It

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After that disastrous formal night, summer break was in full swing, and I had to forget about Finn, because I promised I would. I couldn't let my little old not-existent-anymore schoolgirl crush obstruct my path to a promising future. I wanted to do great things like travel the world and fall in love (with someone else), and as narcissistic as it sounded, Finn was in my way.

Gone was the girl who believed in fairytale romances and happy endings. This was real life. This isn't a soap opera.

Dad called to tell me a few days ago that his business trip was extended, and we wouldn't be moving into the new house until months after, so I spent my summer break in the Callahan penthouse.

I was just daydreaming in my bed, trying desperately to avoid thinking about Fi-ahem, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named due to certain circumstances. But I gotta say, it was hard. Every waking moment I was reliving that damn kiss, and I hated it. Why can't brains be like a computer, and have a memory folder, where you could delete the memories you didn't want? Like amnesia, but controllable.

What does this even mean for us? Does this mean he likes me? Were his teenage hormones getting the best of him? But that would bring me back to the question of whether he likes me or not...

But most of all, should I ask him? What do I say, "Hey, why did you kiss me?" Besides, he's moving into his new apartment soon, so there's no point anyway.

"Sophia! Can you come here?" Ashley called from the living room. Shaking away my thoughts, I got out of bed and walked into the living room.

"What's up?" I asked, meeting face to face with the whole family.

Ashley looked down forlornly. "Well, my husband and I have to take Theo to a doctor, to check up on his asthma. It's a few hours away, so we're leaving you and Finn alone in the house for tonight."

My jaw dropped. "Since when did he have asthma?"

Ashley frowned at him. "We only discovered this not too long ago, and we're still trying to cope with the news."

How could I have been so blind? I've been too busy thinking about that damn formal night that I didn't bother to ask how the other Callahans' were. I'm so selfish, and it's all thanks to that one asswad...whom I'll be hanging around alone with tonight...oh god.

"See you tomorrow then," I said. "Drive safe!"

Ashley gave me a small smile as she left. It must've been really hard to grasp the fact that your son had a serious asthmatic condition.

After an uncomfortable silence, Finn coughed. "I'll be in my room."

"Same," I mumbled. This was awkward. But I still couldn't get his freaking kiss out of my mind-DAMMIT!

"Finn, wait!" I called out. He stopped in his tracks and sighed deeply as I caught up with him.

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