Three - My House is Your House

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Finn's twinkling blue eyes met mine and instantly recognised me. "Hey, you're the girl from the café!"

I gawked at him for a while but managed to keep my mouth relatively shut. He really didn't remember me from all those years ago?

Ashley was getting a real kick out of this. "Oh wow!" she gushed. "You two know each other?"

I gulped. What am I supposed to say? Yes? No? What's Finn going to say?! "I-er uh, yeah...sorta...we went to the same school."

For once in Finn's life (that I knew of because he was usually quite smart) he actually looked dumbfounded. "We did?" He asked. Oblivious asshole, motherf- "Wait a minute." My eyes widened. Did he finally break through his imaginary amnesia barrier? Did he finally realise who I was? "Aren't you the girl that walked around school with a period stain on your pants?"

My cheeks flushed red (like my stain...okay sorry that was pretty bad) as my mind flashed back to that dreadful time, when I wore light coloured jeans the day I was supposed to have my period. Plus, I didn't have anything to hide it, no jumper or jacket. "W-what are you t-talking ab-bout?" I stammered, fiddling with my dark brown hair.

"In 7th grade? You literally just mentioned the fact that we used to go to school together, when I still lived in New York, right?" He asked. "So, are you that girl?"

Time to put my excellent acting skills to the test. I cleared my throat as if I was about to present a speech. "Uh...n-no?" Finn raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but the only reaction my brain was getting from him was that he looked damn sexy. Cue word vomit in 3...2... "OKAYSOITWASMEBUTICOULDN'THELPIT, IMEANI-"

Finn chuckled, raising a hand to stop me from talking. "God, calm down, I was just asking." I muttered a 'sorry' and looked down at the ends of my dark brown hair. I watched him scratch his head, still trying to figure out who I was. "Didn't we have like, history class together or something?"

I would've genuinely danced a little happy dance at the fact that he still remembered me, but I couldn't, I mean he probably only remembered me as 'that girl who forgot a tampon'. That's it. "Yeah we did," I replied.

His eyes widened. "I remember you now." EEK!

"So did you guys like, study together?" A higher voice spoke. I then realised that Ashley and the other boy were still in the room.

Finn just laughed. "Never in this universe. She doesn't even know what study is!"

I scowled. "Hey! Don't assume things! I do so know what study is!"

He raised his eyebrows.

"Study's...pretty much just...time spent the stuff teachers tell us to do!" I babbled.

I looked to see Finn shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. "I didn't mean that literally, I just meant that you're not smart." He smirked. "Which I managed to prove quite easily."

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