Fourteen - Gatecrash

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Pictured above is the *lovely* (open to interpretation, lol) Sienna Nightingale! 

After somehow managing to get past the gates, we made it to the luxurious mansion that was Sienna's home. Even though the beach was just opposite, the real breathtaking sight I saw was the house. Dear lord.

It had a perfect view of the sandy beach and the ocean, with balconies decorated everywhere. The interior design was amazing, there were awesome candelabra-esque chandeliers EVERYWHERE and the art on the wall was captivating.

But most of all, there were people scattered everywhere. Where was our invite? Is that Kylie Jenner by the DJ?

"Is that a bar?" Tori asked in disbelief. Her eyes widened at the bar by the corner of the room, fully stocked with alcohol and already-drunk teenagers.

"Oh my god, she has a balcony?! I love balconies!" Vienna gushed.

I giggled. "We should go dance."

They nodded in agreeance, and the three of us headed to where the majority of the party were.

Spotting Carter, Tori blushed, and excused herself. "Go and get your man!" Vienna nudged as Tori scurried off to go dance with Carter.

The music was pumping and there were people grinding and dancing as if it were the last day on earth. Vienna and I danced decided to dance like nobody was watching, because, well...we weren't supposed to be here anyway. Until someone spotted Vienna and winked at her. It seems like everyone's got someone to hang out with, except me...and I came here with my two best friends!

Vienna shot me a look as if she were asking for permission to leave.

"Go for it Vi, what are you waiting for?" I nudged. "I'll just be over here."

"I might not be able to find you again, with all these people here." Vienna pointed out. "If I can't find you, don't wait for me. I'll see you around."

"Bye! Have fun!" I waved.

I decided to head to the kitchen because apparently all that dancing made me hungry. When I got to the kitchen, I instantly regretted it. Why? Because Zeke Phillips was there.

"Hey, Sophia." He said, uncomfortably.

"Hi, Zeke. What brings you here?"

"Well, Sienna invited my brother, and he invited me."

Whoa. Austin Phillips was here? NO WAY!

Austin Phillips was the most popular guy around, and it bumped up his reputation even more due to the fact that he was a college junior. He was just like Finn, except...well, word on the street said that Austin was supposedly a lot nicer. But that wasn't hard to achieve especially when comparing someone like Austin with some guy like Finn.

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