Twenty Seven - Mixed Signals

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My eyes opened after a few hours of broken sleep, expecting to wake up in the comfort of my own bed. I was wildly incorrect. I was still in Finn's house. Remembering the events of last night, I groaned. I felt so utterly humiliated. Finn made me feel so confused, angry, and maybe even...flattered?

No. What he did was not okay. Even for him. Only about eight hours ago all I could think about was Austin, Austin, Austin. And now, I'm back to square one.

I turned to see the other side of the bed empty, and Finn was sitting at his desk...studying. It's like, 7am!

He mustn't have noticed I was awake, because he sighed and ran his hands through his hair tiredly. I quickly shut my eyes when he shut the book and headed towards my direction. Leaning over towards me, he whispered, "I'm sorry." And left.

What was that supposed to mean?! Why didn't he apologise while I was AWAKE?! Am I that fearful? Is he embarrassed too?


"And then, he made us sleep in the same bed!"

"WHAT?! NO WAY! Did anything happen?"

"No, I can promise that." I reassured Vienna via the phone. I was talking to Vienna and Tori, telling them 'everything' that happened that night. Finn went to take a shower, and so I hid in his room, away from potential eavesdropping situations. "But he did kiss me."

"OH. MY. GOD. Where? Lips? Neck? Your va-" Vienna shrieked.

"Yes, yes and GOD NO!" I blushed. That's just...not happening. Especially not with Finn.

"Did he ask you out? Are you dating yet? Are you-"

I rolled my eyes. "Vi, this is Finn Callahan we're talking about. Of COURSE not."

She muttered some curse words. "Why won't you hit him? He can't just lead you on like that."

"Trust me, I did." I chuckled. "I slapped him like, three times."

Vienna and Tori laughed so loudly through the speaker that I had to remove the phone from my ear. "But seriously guys, I don't know what to do." I said softly.

"Just leave." Tori suggested. "In any second, he'll come out of the shower dressed in only his underwear. Do you want to see that?" Well...

"NO! The more you fall, the bigger his massive ego gets! Quick! Lea-"

I froze and hung up. There he was, shirtless, and as Tori predicted, in his boxers. I felt like my throat closed up at the sight of his chiselled abs and his overall tanned body. "JESUS CHRIST FINN!" I shrieked, my heart beat quickening in shock and surprise attraction towards the caramel skinned god before me. Sue me, he's shirtless and he's got a six-pack.

"Soph, damn," he said, eyeing me up and down. Probably to judge my crazy bed hair and unruly outfit. "You scared me."

I-er-uh... "I'm sorry, I'll leave now!" I blurted, before bolting out of his room. My cheeks were flushed bright red, and I knew it wasn't from running away from the awkward situation.


C'mon, Sophia. Stand up for yourself. Just tell him he's wrong! Just do it!

I paced back and forth in the living room. After changing into last night's dress, Finn was making coffee or something, and I wanted to tell him that what he did last night wasn't okay. I just didn't have the guts to tell him.

"Finn!" I called out. Deep breaths, in, out. He came out of the kitchen and stared at me.

I let out a weak cough. "Um, I want you to er, um, know that what you did last night, dumb, inappropriate and uncalled for." I did it! "It's not fair for either of us because it sends mixed signals." I continued. "I think it's time we just...stop, whatever this stupid charade is. I have, Austin, and you have Rosie, and-"

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