Twenty - Family

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I sobbed like the sound of the ambulance sirens as I dialled Finn's number. The paramedics whisked Theo into the ambulance and I sat inside, shaking in terror.

I'll never forgive myself if something happens. I thought. If only I took more care, if only I found out sooner...

After a few rings, Finn answered. "Hello?"

"FINN! OH GOD! Theo, he's-"

"Ugh, Soph, I told you, it's on the left-"

"He's not okay." I cut in. I didn't know what happened, so I couldn't tell him. "We're on our way to the hospital right now."

"WHAT?!" He boomed.

I sobbed harder. "H-he won't w-wake u-up, Finn! He's not waking up!"

"I'll get there as soon as I can." He said firmly before hanging up.


I sat in the waiting room sobbing my heart out after the doctors took them into the room to treat him. They wouldn't tell me what was going on, and I could only pray that Theo was okay.

"Take care of yourself and Theo, honey." Dad had said.

Take care of myself and Theo. That was all I had to do, and I screwed it up. I had one job, and I blew it.

Shaking me out of my reverie, the sound of Finn's footsteps came booming down the hallway. I nursed my coffee cup and sighed.

Finn came and sat down in the seat next to me. I looked up in his beautiful blue eyes, which showed deep concern. "How is he?" he mumbled.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered, tears pouring down my face. "I-I d-don't know, Finn! I don't know!"

He sighed, leaning closer to me. "If only I got there earlier...if only I looked after him!"

He wrapped his arms around me as I wept into his shirt. Rubbing circles on my back, he said softly, "At least he's here now and has medical help, Sophia. That's all that matters."

The doctors opened the door to his room, with blank looks on their faces. Finn and I jumped out of our chairs in shock and suspense, as we awaited their response.

"Theo had a mild asthma attack, but he's stable now." One of the doctors said. "You may see him, but bear in mind the fact that he is asleep and shouldn't be disturbed."

"Thankyou so much." We said, as they proceeded down the hallway with paperwork in their arms.


I hate hospitals. I hate that too-clean, sterile smell that filled the air, mixed with the sounds of heart monitors and emergency alarms. It sends chills up and down my back. I hate looking at those who cried in patient's arms as their health deteriorated, and I hate the world, for the people who had to suffer with all kinds of illnesses.

The sight of anyone I knew and loved in that wretched hospital bed terrified me. Seeing Theo, pale faced and unconscious made my heart pound, in nervousness and relief. That he was okay, and in the care of the best doctors around.

It was weird, because I used to like hospitals. School taught me that hospitals helped people and helped them get better, save them, even.

They didn't save my mom.

One time during elementary school, I found my mom unconscious in the living room of our little condominium by the beach after school. Trying to wake her up naïvely, I screamed for help. The ambulances arrived and the tears rolled down my face as I kissed her goodbye for one last time.

She didn't make it. She never even made it to hospital.

I sighed, looking out at the window by Theo's bed. They said it was a brain aneurysm, what my mom had. I couldn't believe it. At first, I didn't even know what it was - given I was only five - but I knew it wasn't a good thing.

I think, from then on, I knew that hospitals were bad, that they weren't just a place where you could fix your broken knee or your oversized tonsils and inflamed appendixes. They were also a place where there were broken relationships, lives, and hearts.

I looked over at Finn, who stared intently at his little brother. I couldn't imagine how scary it must have been for him. Experiencing such a scary experience. Even though he had such a blank look on his face, his caring eyes showed everything. The love he had for his brother was indescribable.

I let out a soft chuckle. Even if they did poke fun at me most of the time.

Finn turned to me and ran his hand through his hair. Sighing, he wrinkled his nose. He muttered, "Just so you know, I didn't go on a date with Rosie."

My heart stopped. Okay, probably not the most appropriate thing I should say in a hospital, but it did. Figuratively. I can't believe my ears!!! It wasn't a date!!! YAAAY!

Okay Sophia, stop grinning!!! You're so awkward! The voices in my head advised. I shot him a blank look and cleared my throat, like a professional. "Cool."

He crossed his arms and smirked. "You can smile now."

"Way to go, Finn. You were doing so well." He furrowed his eyebrows. "You were actually being nice to me, and then you blew it. Unbelievable."

I walked away, not looking back at the bi-polar jerk who messed up my feelings.

Dammit Sophia! Quit making inappropriate comments in hospitals!

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! How awkward is Sophia though???!?!?!??!?!? 

Just wanted to apologise for the continuity of Theo's  (previously Luke) asthma attack. Not sure if fainting is a compatible symptom for these things, nor do I really know what asthma attacks are like. Sorry!!!!!! Please forgive me for not doing proper research!

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schoolgirlcrush x

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