Fifteen - Bored as Hell

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I had a feeling this party was going to be a waste of time, and I was right. As much as I enjoyed seeing my friends again, they were all hanging out with some ditzy girls, too busy to catch up with me after graduation.

Unfortunately for me, I was preoccupied with a girl out on the terrace. The party host herself, Sienna Nightingale. Sure she was smoking hot, but god she was annoying. This was the reason why I never dated anyone back in high school, because they were all plastic, dumb and annoying, like Sienna.

The only girl I ever really got close to, whether it be through arguments or...other stuff...was Sophia. But she was different and she wasn't like the others. But now that I think about it, comparing Sophia to the others, they're both pretty dumb. They're so alike, except different at the same time.

I stifled a low chuckle as I sipped my beer. Sienna tried to flirtatiously glance into my eyes like I actually cared, and tossed her hair. Seven times. Honestly, if she tosses her hair one more time, I think I might push her into the pool. Sighing again, I took another sip. I'm probably going to need a DD at this point. There's no way I'm staying in this conversation without getting wasted first.

"You look nice tonight," she said, batting her fake, spidery eyelashes. I don't know why girls do that. It's almost like she wants me to care. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Thanks." I muttered. Yawn.

Now that I think about it, this night hasn't just been below average, it's been a complete flop. The beer - stale. The music - beyond lame. The people - boring as hell. I've had people I don't like talk to me, and had bimbo girls fight over me like I'm Burberry's last season sale. Atrocious. Absolutely no sense of class whatsoever. Honestly, the only thing appealing at this party was probably the plants...and that's really saying something.

Sienna must have noticed me drifting off, because she fake-coughed loud enough to shake me from my unimpressed thoughts. "Finn? Are you okay? Are you not enjoying yourself?" Sienna pouted, shuffling her skyscraper hooker heels at the ground. "It's my fault, I'm so sorry this party is terrible..."

Damn right it is.

"I-No, you throw great parties, Sienna. I was just looking at the...umm..." I lied in sympathy. I quickly turned to look at the sculptures and pot plants around the garden. "The decorations. They look great."

"I'm so happy you came." She batted her eyelashes once again. Has she got something in her eye, or what?

I shot her a fake smile and, quite literally, tried to grin and bear it. Interestingly enough, the sound of whispers coming from the pot plants gradually got louder and louder. What the-

"Ow! I'm stuck to-"

"Shut up, Soph! He can probably hear us!" Oh ho, you bet I can.

Wait. Sophia's here? Who invited her?

I wasn't even complaining, because I was finally getting some form of decent entertainment tonight. Even if I was getting pretty desperate. But no one needs to know that. You know it's a pretty terrible party when your only form of entertainment is from someone who wasn't even invited.

I smirked at Sienna. Better make the most of what I've got. "Hey, I never got to tell you how amazingly beautiful you were."

"Aw, stop it. I'm totally not..." She replied, blushing and batting her eyelashes at me...again. Stupid compliment fisher.

I tried to stifle a cackle as I tried to overhear Sophia's reaction.

"Is he actually joking? This-I just- wow. If he thinks she's beautiful, than he may as well just compliment me, like god! He saw me half naked today, and now he-"

Another voice, whom I guessed was Tori Lyons's, gasped. "Wait, what? Never mind, just shut up!"

Vienna gasped too. "Whoa, he saw you half naked?"

I tried so damn hard not to laugh. Good thing I'm good at keeping a straight face. It's also a good thing that Sienna's too deaf to hear what the 'pot plants' are saying.

It was time to launch the second part of my plan to irritate Sophia. I leaned in towards Sienna as if we were about to kiss, just for a laugh. Sienna's eyes fluttered, fully believing that I was interested in her and her plastic lips.

"Oh my god. They're going to kiss! That sleaze!"

"What? Move, dingbat! I can't see!"

"Ow, Tori! You stepped on my leg!"


I chuckled. Internally, of course. This is the highlight of my night. Coming up with another devious plan, I smirked.

"Hey, beautiful. Come dance with me." I whispered in Sienna's ear. She nodded with adoration towards me, before we walked back inside. I walked slow enough to hear Sophia's footsteps, her hot on my heels.


The dance-floor was absolutely packed, everyone was jumping, grinding, flirting, and some people were making out in the corner like it was no tomorrow. Sienna and I danced together, and she looked into my eyes as I tried to find another. Where's Sophia? I thought she would've followed me.

My eyes scanned the crowed as I found the familiar mop of chocolate brown waves, walking towards us. With none other than Austin freaking Phillips.

Our eyes met and I smirked as she gasped and turned away. But deep down, my blood was boiling. What was she doing with Austin Phillips?

Sophia started to dance more...promiscuously, and I decided it was time to tease her just a little more, I danced with Sienna, mimicking Sophia's movements. Oh, man. I looked over at her and watched her scowl at Sienna and I, and she glared straight at me. I shot her a playful wink, and before I knew it, without even breaking eye contact with me, her lips slammed onto Austin's.

I. Was. Fuming. And for what reason? I didn't know, but my arms involuntarily grabbed hers and I dragged her away from that worthless, arrogant prick.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you follow me here?" I yelled angrily.

She glared at me with her fierce green eyes. "Who said I wasn't invited?"

"You? At a Sienna Nightingale party?" I spat. "You could never have gotten an invitation, not even Zeke Phillips would hand you one."

"Stop bossing me around like I'm your slave!" she defended, furrowing her brows and angrily pouting at me. Adorably. "I have my own life, too!"


She rolled her eyes and sighed, her face softening in indifference. "NO, Finn. I'm not doing this anymore. We fight, and then you kiss me and then leave me with questions that will never be answered," she continued. "because you are a confusing, irritating little prick!"

I kept a straight face. Deep down, I didn't know what to think. I knew we always fought, but did she honestly think of me like that?

"Do you like me or not, Finn?" she sighed. "Because you're just confusing me, and-"

I smirked. "It doesn't take much to do that."

"UGH! Screw you, Finn Callahan!" She stormed off, flipping the bird as she strutted away in her pretty little heels...dammit!

A/N: happy valentines day ❤️😉

hope you liked that sneaky little snippet into finn's mindset. this is technically a special chapter, but it still is a part of the actual plot. But I'm glad the stars aligned in terms of updating schedule so that THIS SPECIFIC chapter could go up on this specific day (for australia, that is). Like, the timing is impeccable.

Don't forget to vote/comment/ follow me for cool stuff and hit me up with feedback/suggestions so I can make things more enjoyable for y'all. 1.2k? Pshh. Let's get it to 1.2mil, with your support of course.

My love goes out to everyone reading this,

schoolgirlcrush <3

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