Eight - Gratitude

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"How do you not get this?" Finn yelled, gesturing to the insurmountable pile of textbooks that I needed to revise in that night. "IT'S SEVENTY FIVE! Not rocket science!"

"I don't know!" Finn was helping me study, which was a pretty smart idea, given that I wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box. Studying at 1am, however, was not a smart idea.

"All you had to do was cancel the denominators out!" he grabbed my shoulders and shook me forcefully. His action was so tense and so hard that I fell off the desk chair sending our bodies toppling to the floor, his body hovering over mine.


With perfect timing, Ashley walked in the door, at first sleepy-eyed, but now after seeing this predicament, very alert. "Whoops, sorry! I'll leave you two lovebirds alone..."

Finn shot her a stern look. "We are NOT together, mom."

Ashley ignored him anyway. "Just keep it down in here, okay?"

I nodded, still stuck underneath Finn. I tried to push him off me, but he got up himself, instead.

"C'mon, Finn, let's take a break." I begged. He glared at me in frustration, before giving in to my puppy-dog eyes. Irresistible, I know.

"Ugh, fine." He said flopping himself onto my bed, before we ended up passing out on it, shoulder to shoulder.


We didn't have much time to discuss what happened when we ended up sleeping together, because we didn't have any time at all. Finn and I woke up ten minutes before the exams began and he had to drag me out of bed. I really needed coffee at that point and I probably looked like a zombie raccoon. Luckily we made it just in time, and completed all our exams for our selected subjects. For me, it went okay, because I thought I did better than I expected. It turned out, I even finished before everyone else, which I found extremely surprising. I stood outside in the corridor waiting for the test to finish.

"Hey, Buttercup. How did you go?" A voice startled me, shaking away any inkling of exam doubt I had in my body. I turned around to meet face to face with Finn, who was hanging out with some other girl I didn't know.

"I-I did good," My mouth curved up into a small smile. "I think I actually did pretty well."

"Good for you, Soph." he said, before talking with his female 'friend' again.

Huh, so he speaks to me in public now? What progress.

The test finished shortly after, and all the students in the auditorium walked out, looking either very sweaty, very relaxed, or very stressed. The rankings were to be posted onto the school bulletin board shortly after, and some people were starting to congregate in the area near it. I caught up with Vienna and Tori, and we talked about how the test went, until we heard someone shriek bloody murder.

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