Thirty One - One Last Time

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"Be sure to tell me when you explain to your friends how a girl gave you that broken nose!" I teased.

"Sure," Finn said, with a fake-sweet tone as we exited the hospital. "But I can barely call you a girl."

Finn and I were requested by Ashley to go home. Theo was sent home early to finish some homework, and Ashley stayed at the hospital to look after her husband. Finn was treated at the hospital for his broken nose, but was cleared anyway. He had this stupid looking cast thing that made it look like he got a plastic nose job. It was hilarious, in my opinion.

The two of us stood at the footpath waiting to find a taxi who would take us home.

I wasn't done with our previous conversation though. Looking down at my nails dramatically, I smirked. "You know, I have a feeling this happened back in high school," Finn's jaw clenched. I fake-gasped in realisation. "Oh, that's right. You weren't a gold digger then."

Finn fumed. "If I hear you call me that one more time, I swear to god I will put you through a lot more pain than just a broken nose."

I rolled my eyes. "That's a lot of bullshit, especially coming from a hypocrite like you." He stayed silent. "You say you're not using Rosie for her money, but you are!"

"The difference is, Sophia, I like Rosie. Get it though your little brain." he said. Then he rested a finger on his chin. "Oh wait, that's right, you don't have one."

We exchanged cold glares on the street, receiving the same glares from the other people walking by.

"But do you love her?"

"Love doesn't just happen."

"It does!" I exclaimed. "Love isn't forced, it's something that comes from the heart. If you marry a girl insincerely, then you'll live a worthless life! Are you willing to tell your future kids about how you never truly loved your wife?"

"It doesn't matter," he replied. "Rosie is the one. She's going to be a great wife. The money is just a bonus. If my dad quits his job, sure we'll have money. But not enough to send Theo to the schools he deserves to be in."

He went on. "Just say you'll stop being angry and just accept it. Think of the family. When I bring Rosie over, don't make mom think that you're unhappy."

I sighed as Finn found a taxi and hailed it. We walked towards it and I couldn't stop thinking about his request. What was I supposed to do? On one side, I refuse to see him legally bound to Rosie in an insincere relationship based on fake love, and on the other side, I didn't want to see Ashley and Steven unhappy.

"I'll do it," I croaked. "But not because I forgive you for anything, I'm doing it for your parents and Theo. I still hate you."


It was now April. Time flew by very quickly, and I was still staying at the Callahan house in Watermont Beach. I was jolted awake one morning by the sound of my alarm, which annoyed me to no end.

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