Twenty Four - Not What You Wanted

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He kissed me! He kissed me!

The fireworks on display didn't even compare to the fireworks that I felt in my stomach!

Even if it was a chaste, cheek kiss.

Given the situation he was in, it was understandable. But, OMG HE KISSED ME!

Austin pulled away from me and smiled. "I basically gave you your first kiss, right?" I froze. If only you knew the story behind THAT one... "You told me you've never dated anyone before...?"

I nodded slowly. That didn't mean I didn't have my first kiss...ugh! Stupid Finn! Occupying my thoughts AGAIN! I turned my head and looked around, watching Finn standing with Rosie. Rosie looked up at him flirtatiously, and his gaze sent shivers up my spine.

Why? Because he wasn't staring at Rosie.

He was staring at me. With his steely gaze and his poker-face. It was almost...possessive.

Who am I kidding anyway? Did he even SEE what just happened? My worries didn't matter anyway. I grabbed Austin by the collar and planted one on his cheek fiercely.

"Maybe things will change if Zeke finds a partner." I whispered in his ear softly. He nodded almost weakly and I cleared my throat. "I have to go," I said regretfully. "My friend's driving me home."

"The party's just getting started, Soph." he pleaded. "Please stay."

"We have a curfew, Austin. I want to stay, but I can't."


Vienna grabbed me by the arm as I walked inside and dragged me into a corner. I shot Austin a pleading look, but he just grinned at me.

"Have you spoken to Finn yet?" I shook my head. Vienna frowned in disappointment. "What happened to 'Operation: DAAAAYUM GIRL!'?

I laughed. "I was spending time with Austin."

That got her attention. "OH MY LORD! GIVE ME DETAILS!"

As much as I wanted to dish out the details of our 'situation', we were running late. "We have to go, Vi. I'll tell you when we get home."

Vienna and I walked over to the parking lot of the venue and my jaw dropped in sheer horror. Vienna's brand-new car was completely destroyed. The tyres were slashed like deep stab wounds, the body was spray painted gold and toilet paper decorated the entire car. Vienna started sobbing uncontrollably and so I hugged her, rubbing small circles on her back, trying to soothe her.

Elliot came running up to her, upon hearing her cries. What a true gentleman. "What's wrong bab-" he asked softly, looking into her tear-stained eyes.

"OH my god. OH MY F-That is my-" he stuttered, upon seeing the damage.

"Speak English, Cunningham." I snapped.

" can get that compensated, babe, considering it happened during a school event."

She let out a grunt and crossed her arms. "I hope so."

"I know so." Elliot said softly. "Besides, I do law. I know shit. C'mon, I'll drive you."

"What about Tori and Sophia?" she asked. "How are they getting home?"

"Well Carter's already taken Tori home, my cousin Drake's already gone...which leaves Sophia with Austin...if that was okay..."

I nodded in complete agreement, and Elliot called over Austin to explain the situation. After Elliot and Vienna left, it was just Austin and I, alone again.

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