Forty Four - Fight or Flight

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A/N: This is it everyone. The end of an era. WHO'S KEEN!!!?!??!?!?! :O :O :O

(This final chapter goes out to my newest Wattpad friend dreamer602 - thanks for the spam and the lovely inbox!!!!! I hope you like this chapter!)

I told Tori and Vienna the next day everything that had happened. They couldn't come over because of house guests visiting their home, so I told them everything via video call. From when Finn walked into the door, to when Austin left. Reminiscing about it just tugged at my heart strings, and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"So now I have no idea whether to go and meet up with Austin tonight. What do I do?"

Vienna tapped her chin in thought. "I like Austin as a person a lot...but he's more like your best friend."

Tori interjected. "No way! I would take this last chance Austin's giving you, Soph! You rejected him after all he did for you that night! And he keeps loving you, and you shouldn't be wasting this golden opportunity to live a happier life."

I let my mouth part as she went on. "Besides, Finn's still marrying Rosie anyway, so apparently he doesn't care that much about you. Not enough, anyway."

Vienna whacked her cousin on the arm. "You can go marry Austin, whatever you want," Vienna began. "But there was a reason you bailed on him! Even if you don't get to be with Finn, you shouldn't make Austin your backup. You shouldn't marry someone because you can't get another. It's just wrong."

"You're basically telling her to be alone!" Tori called out.

"She's got no choice. It's wrong to marry Austin if you can't get Finn. You'll just become like Finn."

My brain became more and more clouded with their arguments, they were all so true. I bit my lip in nervousness.

"But that's if she hasn't gotten over Finn." Tori turned to the camera. "You can get over him. You just need to realise it yourself. Austin's perfect for you, Soph."

I was starting to get a migraine, and with only a few hours until the deadline, I couldn't have all these confusing thoughts detonating my brain.


I looked at the screen of my phone, checking the time. I stood behind the bushes at 6:58 wondering how life would be if I stayed with Austin. What life would be like if I left Austin, and still watched Finn marry a woman he appeared to love.

Would I really get the happiness I deserve? Would it be the happiness that I wanted?

6:59. I peered from behind the bushes and saw Austin standing by the swings alone, looking out to sea, waiting.

Waiting for me.

What do I do? What do I do?

I should go and talk to him. He deserves this.

Moving my arms to stand up, I went to take a step towards him, but for some reason my feet remained grounded. I just stood there, amidst the greenery watching Austin from behind as his hair blew in the wind as if he were a god-like figure.

And he was.

Just not the one for me.

As much as being with Austin would've made me happy, the love that we wasn't real enough. Not that Finn really had feelings towards me and declared his love for me, but at least I felt as if it was the right thing to do. Austin deserved so much more than my misery and resentment.

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